
maybe in YOUR nearby, but not in my nearby. try $25

"Man, we have the best pizza!" - NYC psychotics, as heard in Italy, the birthplace of pizza

im 48, but in 4th grade, i was getting boners and trying to figure out how to get laid

you mad bro?

you also have to be in reasonable shape. the g forces encountered in REAL driving make your typical fat ass/weak geek literally throw up.

Ah, but in her mind blaming men is the default option.

Just wanted to let you know that you are the only/first person to ever write the phrase "boot up your will to live."

sweep the leg!

What's wrong with a PUA? Do you realize you'd never have been born unless one of your parents picked up the other?

so basically the Indians brought sexy color back? imma writing a song!

holy shit that was absolutely unlistenable, almost as bad as rap

And none of you people will buy it.

Mid 90s? Are you joking? There's 80s Jeeps that have $10K+ asking prices, for ragged out copies!

That move is called "stopping short", which is a hitting-on move. I'm the one who invented it and your dude is stealing my move. He can do it in that city, but anywhere else, he need to find a different move.

i only fast when i'm not eating

ah another fake belief system

so if in NZ two 15 y/o have sex, they both are criminals?

Instead of discussing where we can get more productive engineers and doctors, we get so much concern and hand wringing for a VERY small job pool in non-essential entertainment.

my Druid neighbor is incensed

I ride a bike, and my warning signal is a firm boot to the ass of whatever slowpoke pedestrian is in front of me.