
She probably panicked. Not everyone is capable of thinking straight in crisis situations.

Yeah....cause they’re both comparable.

Not everyone experiences things the way you do. As long as they’re having fun and not ruining the experience for someone else why do you care?

How skinny that guy is is very distracting.

Someone should tell him about The Binding of Isaac. He’d have a heart attack on air.

Except he is responsible. By law. At least where I live. He served them the drinks. If something had happened, and someone got hurt between that place and the cops pulling them over that server would be legally liable for it. And he’d more than likely be going to jail. The law doesn’t see shades of gray or have very

How was it false? They had drank quite a bit and were driving. His reasoning was douchey but either way it still needed to be done.

Actually, he’s correct. I have my TABC certificate and one of the things they make adamantly clear is that the server is just as responsible for how much a customer gets to drink as the person ordering. And they can be held just as liable for anything that happens. A server is under no obligation to bring a customer

I found the only character that the Dead Cat is a boon for is Azazel. Cause it actually gives him a red heart.

Wow. I was vaguely interested when I started reading then got to the part where you said the restaurant is in Dublin, Ireland and knew shit was about to go down.

There’s a Paris, TX, too. And a London, Arkansas.

Or everyone's.

Apparently not.

How about something simple like “I’m Just Saiyan”.

Damn you and your temptations Plunkett!!! I’ve avoided all trailers so far. I’m going in blind even if I have to pluck my eyes out!!!!!

Good Lord. The Destiny forums are freaking imploding right now. So much ignorance. It’s astounding.

Now this is how you pull off a joke in poor taste, lol. Awesome.

Did they seriously just kill Sharlto Copley in the trailer???

This 100 times.

Preorders in and of themselves are not bad. It’s the preorder culture they’ve led to that needs to go die in a fire. Making your game then chopping chunks out of it to use as preorder bonuses is just one example. The Deus Ex game is probably the worst offender I’ve ever seen.