Do you ever really think about how many people actually read the words you write? How many people are effected by them? Even in small ways. I can only imagine how many people are watching Hot Fuzz right now, lol. I am.
Do you ever really think about how many people actually read the words you write? How many people are effected by them? Even in small ways. I can only imagine how many people are watching Hot Fuzz right now, lol. I am.
From what I understand, no one has found the chest yet.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes for Xbox One isn't $8. It's $20.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes for Xbox One isn't $8. It's $20.
Did you not read the part about a chest with rare loot spawning afterwords?
If only people didn't spout such hyperbole. Yes, Destiny was a huge disappointment. I don't dispute that. But that doesn't make it a bad game. People are obviously having fun with it and the potential for it to became a great game is still there. And I'm not saying to give it time. Bungie had time, and they've…
No reason to turn it in. It is one demerit though. Two more and we'll have to take it, lol.
Pretty much. I think its pretty telling that for Batman to win they needed Superman to step in. Nice homage to the "I love you. I know." scene though.
So freaking glad I waited! I knew they wre gonna do this. Heres hoping they do the same with Kingdom Hearts.
Nice v-neck, bro!
At what point did sitting down with a friend or family to play a game in the same room become a thing of the past? This is just sad.
At what point did sitting down with a friend or family to play a game in the same room become a thing of the past? This is just sad.
I cancelled my reserve after reading this. This is absolutely ridiculous. As fun as the Alpha and Beta was I hope this game fails. They need to learn stuff like this not ok.
It's a game made by Japanese people. If it wasn't overly convoluted someone would get fired, lol.
It's a game made by Japanese people. If it wasn't overly convoluted someone would get fired, lol.
Yeah, but FF has been like that from the start and it was the basic premise of the entire game from the beginning. FF meets Disney. And as I said in a separate comment, they don't need to do the entire Marvel or Star Wars universe. Focus on one part. A Spider-Man world or even better, a Guardians of the Galaxy…
Well it depends on what part of the Marvel Universe they used. I think a Spider-Man world would work, or even a Guardians of the Galaxy world. Rocket would be awesome on your team. And as far as Star Wars goes, a Clone Wars world be pretty kickass.
I disagree wholeheartedly. Using the characters sparingly without their respective world's would a complete and utter waste.
Seems to me the solution is simple. Conceptually anyway. Keep level gain tied to new gear but make the Light you gain permanent so even if you go to weaker gear you stay the level you earned. This would be a good way to keep old gear relevant as well so you could still use the bonuses.
See this is what happens when Ubisoft tries to make female characters, lol.
As a PS4 owner I concur. Putting links to apps you can't delete is for the birds. That shit needs to go.