
I was also confused, but after her father's lecture about how Megan gave up her dreams of becoming an actress, I thought that maybe it indicated that Megan was realizing that she doesn't have the passion for the job that she thought she did. Peggy told her outright: this is the best this job gets. Peggy would have

I don't consider being gay a bad thing, but if someone called me "gay" meaning it as an insult, it would be dickish of them. I don't think it's reaching too much to assume that he meant to insult her by calling her a prostitute.

whoops, directed to wrong person.

Pare is around 30, but Megan has stated her age to be 26, so I don't think it's too much of a stretch for Ormond to play the character's mom.

I developed a GIANT crush on Julie Ormond this episode. I don't think I've seen her in anything since Smila's Sense of Snow. She looks even better now.

Someone in a prior Mad Men thread suggested that either the actress who plays Megan (who was born and raised in Montreal) or Megan the character (who wanted to be an actress) may have intentionally lost her accent for an acting career. I guess that seems plausible. Not sure if there's any explanation for the parents

Interesting. I started exploring religion and the idea of converting to Judaism pretty soon after my Dad died, so I think awareness of mortality had something to do with it. But I still don't believe in any kind of heaven or hell or afterlife. It was just that, with my new awareness of death, I became more

On first glance I thought this was a picture of Stephanie March. And then I was just like, wow an Assistant District Attorney AND the most beautiful woman?

Racial slur, confederate flag, all the same to me. Both have been used as a means of intimidating and insulting my family.

I think it's hilarious that Shiloh wore a Jaws shirt to the beach.

Poor Pegs.

That IS crazy. What did your mom say?

Ugh, my aunt was kind of like this when my Dad died. I mean, I love my brother, but I'm pretty sure that if he died, I could keep it together enough to prioritize his kids' grief before mine.

I think Buffy the Vampire Slayer covered this one already.

They're not talking about the substance of the show because the quality of the program is not what they're criticizing. They're criticizing the status quo that says this woman deserves a voice while the rest of us don't have stories worth telling. It might be a great show. A lot of shows on HBO are. But look at the

There's nothing inherently wrong with a privileged girl getting a show. There's also nothing wrong with pointing out the privilege that likely helped her reach her goals, and reminding everyone how the world actually works. The way so many people ramble on about reverse racism, immigrants stealing jobs, and class

My response exactly. Come ON.

But the actress was born and raised in Montreal.... I suppose she probably did try to phase out her accent for an acting career though.

I'm getting sick of this idea that "being bratty and ungrateful ... is a pretty big part of being in your 20s." This is not okay. This is why I find my sister insufferable most of the time. I'm not saying I was never like this; I'm only saying that I had outgrown this phase by the age of 16. People need to grow

While I'd probably marry Don, I'm totally with you on killing Roger. I guess that means I'd have to fuck Pete. I can handle that.