I don’t care for Duke or Allen, but that play is exactly nothing like the intentional trips he made earlier in the season. Come on.
I don’t care for Duke or Allen, but that play is exactly nothing like the intentional trips he made earlier in the season. Come on.
Yeah, it’s not like we’re currently watching a rift form in the federal government between those who follow the Constitution/rule of law and those that blindly do whatever the orange President tells them to. Nothing bigger going on at all, no sirree, just anothern random, isolated incident. . .
I’m torn. I’m a veteran of the 1st Iraq Shit Show and the Cold War. I didn’t join out of patriotism, I was in a crappy small town and I wanted out. It worked. Being the military actually MADE me a Liberal. (Kind of hard to hate people for the color of their skin when you share a life with them, hard to hate…
A Jalopnik reader as CEO of BMW would be awesome! I mean. High powered wagons that only came with manuals! They would sell out of them, put so many people to work, all the people.
Yes, but their plan to stop making crossovers and only offer manual cars will inevitably drive to company to the ground, despite being applauded by a bunch of nostalgic enthusiasts.
This is a great example of why unions fell out of favor over the 20th century: too often, they cozy up to big business and exist primarily for enriching their leaders at the expense of the workers whom they are supposed to represent.
Russia makes statement designed to erode trust in American institutions
Did you get this from the book of Alternate Facts?
It must be fun to make outlandish assumptions about strangers that you’ve never met and know nothing about and then make condemnatory statements about them that you would only ever make from the safety of being behind your computer.
“Here’s 12 Things That Russia is Blackmailing Trump With - Number 8 Will Leave You Speechless!!!!1!”
That’s just wrong. No way would Pence buy a Fusion of any type. I see him more as the Russian armored car kind of guy. Something that spews pollutants into the air at a rate fast enough to kill ten people per mile.
demo fails.
Not only are those shifter buttons odd, but they also managed to make them look like they were made in 1989. A decent effort ruined.
this is like nissan concept cars. eventually you just start laughing whenever it rolls out.
It reminds me of a comment that I read during the whole leaked emails fiasco in which a Berniebro actually claimed that unless he has actual proof that the RNC posted worse emails than he was going to assume that there was nothing bad there.
5th: Good lord, the Toyota “smart” system is so terrible. Mazda’s is almost as bad. I’m with you, Patrick - hey, just build the car. Let me decide how I want to get my entertainment to my speakers. If I want Android Auto, great. Apple CarSomething, great. But no one is buying a car because the automaker’s programmers…
All of these emails really reinforce my belief that there were three types of Trump voters. 1) The “fuck you” vote, which encompasses the anti-PC sentiments, the “blow up the system” sentiments, and the “he’s not a politician” sentiments. Basically, people who felt, for various reasons, that the system either wasn’t…
This. The false equivalencies this cycle were amazing.
Well a tiny piece of anything is typically all his miniscule hands can grab.
Or maybe they can work together and create compromises like proper legislators do. Stop the obstruction bullshit and maybe get something done instead of blocking things just because xxxx person wants it.