Sadly this satire is too close to what the worshippers really say.
Sadly this satire is too close to what the worshippers really say.
And he was saying it was outstanding that Tesla detected the crash and immediately called the guy (I’m guessing while the dust was still settling). But hey definitely makes a better headline this way.
That connotation probably should have been considered but thought it was more a slam on Tesla (and other companies) making features of a car a monthly fee thing.
I was thinking dang you have to be crazy to let this system drive you in such a tight area with columns so nearby.
Evidently they are going to allow a much wider distribution very soon.
I used to drive 2016 Gas Sportwagen. In actual dollars spent per mile, my Bolt is less than 1/3 the cost per mile than the Sportwagen was. I’m sure Diesel is better cost than the gas, but no way it’s less than electric, unless you live in a very high cost per kw area without a reduced price at night.
Came to post something similar. Based on Bolt Facebook groups and forums (I own a 2019 with what was originally thought to be a “safe” US made battery but is now included in the recall), this is exactly what they’ve done. If you’re in California, it works out pretty well, many have basically gotten the full price they…
So, you’re basically saying the constitution doesn’t guarantee people or their companies the right of free association. If people or companies want to be out there with a view that is not popular (poll after poll shows decent majorities of the country supporting at least some abortion rights beyond the 6 weeks in…
The problem is the rubes see him as this image of what they think a successful businessman is, because he played one on TV? Even construction and union people who trump stole from and shafted all his life, still don’t see what he really is.
They love them for a few years at least.
Could also be part of a cyclonic separator. Basically a huge industrial version of e the things that make a Dyson Vac work. If so, it would have a large piece that would go on top where the input would go.
Saw a guy the other day driving in the left lane, 15 MPH slower than traffic, in a downpour (everyone was below the speed limit, he was well below everyone ), with his flashers on, using his phone. A superfecta of shitty driving habits!
Imagine being this uninformed and telling someone who actually is knowledgable to sit down. 🤣
LOL. you don’t understand how sewer lines work, do you?
I think he and the rest of his sycophants in Congress have basically just made it OK for these people, who have probably always been there to act out. They normalized these type of actions.
So, those pipes are for fire sprinklers. Likely they used a system where air was in the lines so they won’t freeze, but once the pipes are broken or a head goes off, water follows. And that water is nasty, just like the video. Not like on TV, where a nice little spray of clear water comes out (of every head but don’t…
Well damn. I didn’t see this at the time and I’ve been considering trying to buy a Morgan 3 wheeler and now I really miss this thing I never knew might exist!
Similarly, Mercedes realizes this also. That’s why when they brought the Sprinter here they called it a Dodge the first few years. They knew lots of companies didn’t want to show up on a job site or at a customers house in their Mercedes as it would make some people think they were overcharging.
Wait, didn’t they do this in the 60s and 70s and call those places Drag Strips?
This probably would have been the smarter way to go from the the beginning. There are too many issues and conflicts with the PPP, EIDL, Estrada’s Unemployment, benefits etc. But at this point they’re already more than halfway down one road, they aren’t changing.