
Is it their fault the gas pedal suddenly jumped under where their foot was when they were trying to slow down?

Hear, hear!

Exactly. While lately, cops do seem to be involved in incidents quite a bit where they have made terrible decisions and shot killed people that were not justified in any way and often put completely innocent bystanders in jeopardy at the same, it’s still a tiny tiny fraction of all cops out there.

But the racism would be a civil matter not really a criminal one. A store does pretty much have the right to ban anyone from going there and the police will remove the people of the store says they are trespassed from the premises. But yeah, they are asking to get wacked pretty hard civilly and of course in the court

This reminds me of just how awesome these old Army videos are at explaining some pretty complicated engineering concepts and the execution. Better than lots of stuff made today IMO.

My wife has to travel a fair amount. Her company doesn’t absolutely require it, but they do prefer cheaper flights. We typically just pay the additional per seat so she can fly whatever each airline calls their premium coach seats as she is a little claustrophobic and an aisle seat with extra room goes a long way in

They’re out there. A shop I used to take my MINI to had one as a service loaner! Pretty cool. Made that last $2,200 bill to replace the supercharger a little more palatable.

Was talking to an acquaintance the other day who was talking up how Trump was going to cut taxes for her family. I don’t know exactly how much they make, but they are certainly in the single digit percent, probably under 5. Had to LOL at that one and she was like, you just wait. My taxes are going down. Guess she

Exactly. They pretty much felated him in their coverage compared to what a serious news organization could have and should have done and he STILL called them out for being too harsh. This is going to be a problem.

And yet Trump dresses them down for not kowtowing ENOUGH!

Just make sure one of your first edicts when in office is to REQUIRE amber turn signals and eliminate whatever ridiculous law it is that means we get crappy rear lighting that’s confusing in the name of having a certain number of square inches lit up when that’s the dumbest way to measure lighting I can imagine. That

When I was like 19-20, I had a newspaper route (this was 25 years ago when subscriptions were still increasing) for a couple years. I had a big ass million candlepower spotlight to find addresses and whatnot. A couple times I will admit that when someone got behind me with high beams and wouldn’t stop, I fired that

I can’t buy one since I just bought a Golf Sportwagen last Friday.

My wife had one for maybe 6-7 years. She was pretty happy with it, but since it has hormones, it can have some side effects just like the pill including reduction in sex drive in some people. For her, not having much of a period was nice though and I can certainly understand that.

Well, turns out she was prescient as the way they showed him turn SUCKED!

Damn that rogue engineer really got around that company!

I don’t think the primaries were rigged in her favor (in as much as the primaries are not exactly the most transparent and unrigged way to choose a nominee, all the time). But I s think the Democratic Party sort of felt it “owed” her or it was her turn or something and some rebelled at that.

Well, the problem is she had a life well before you were active in politics and said and did some things many in the Democratic Party don’t like, such as branding certain minorities as superpredators and supporting her husband in extending prison sentences for them. Even more recently, the invasion of Iraq. She also


Yep. I’m just hoping enough adults that want to get elected again are in DC that cooler heads prevail.