
I agree. I wouldn’t be in favor of just a one term limit or anything. Say, 3 terms for senate and 6 for house. That’s 18 and 12 years, which is plenty of time to still get experienced people in but no one truly makes a career out of it. Still keeps the house fresher than senate which was the intent all along.

Have a hard time believing most of those people would try to vote honestly. The article says Wisconsin turnout was low. It was low EVERYWHERE. Even Democrat strongholds.

I keep seeing people cling to this and it is missing the point, to their detriment. Yes, republicans in some states made rules that made it a bit more difficult to vote and do seem to have targeted minorities, low income voters and democrats, but in the big scheme of things, they stopped a tiny fraction of a percent

A thousand plus ones for this. He pandered to people and offered something he can’t deliver. They bought it and voted him in.

I’m not sure promising the moon when he can’t deliver counts are legitimately trying to help anyone. Just like Bernie Sanders could never deliver the utopia he was pushing, Trump can’t magically give everyone $60k+ jobs for menial labor without training.

Except for that two year period where he had D majority in both. Face it, while he did change some things and do good stuff, much of what Obama promised, like Bernie Sanders, just couldn’t be done, but young new voters bought it, then became disillusioned.

I’d be shocked if the soft top went away. The hard top is too expensive to give away for free on the low end Wranglers.

I already voted for her and this wouldnt have changed my mind, but the Clintons can have done good things and also have done some shady things. Arguing any politician at this level is clean and pure is a pretty weak stand, IMO.

And if you have kids who want to help, they are likely causing as much damage as an auto car wash, so I’ll give you that one.

Not every guy that works for or owns a construction company needs to haul a full load of plywood or rocks around, but does need to occasionally grab a ladder or carry something that wouldn’t be ideal inside an SUV or car. This way they can have a nice daily driver and have some utility and not have the need for a

Maybe 10 years ago my wife and I went to the Richmond night NASCAR race. During the race, this drunk dude stumbles up to the fence facing about 10,000 people in a grandstand, whips it out and starts peeing, on the 4 foot chain link fence!

Holy shit! Love the goat.

I was born in 1970. When I was like 6 and my brother 4, my mom was driving our big GM sedan, can’t remember the exact make. Seems like it was an Oldsmobile and was 4-5 years old. We were in the back seat unbelted when while driving along at maybe 40 mph, the front U joint let go and the driveshaft decided it needed a

If his son hadn’t just died right around the time he would have needed to decide to run or not, I think he would have and he would probably have mopped the floor with the rest of the democrat contenders.

The rest of the car looks nice, but that standard steering wheel from every damn Rental car has got to go!

I think you’ll find that his first two years, the democrats had a pretty healthy majority in the House and Senate.

Well, I figured that was as much the RNC as anything. The rest of his record made me overlook it somewhat.

Ha, me too. Went to her show in Durham just before she blew up a few years ago. The joke stealing stuff has put me off her a bit lately you though.

As an Independent, I’ve liked and respected McCain as he is more reasonable and actually seemed like a decent person who really did care about something other than thumping the Bible. At least I respected him up until today.

I’ve wondered the same. Question is, if the White house and Senate go D will Obama withdraw Garland’s nomination to allow Hillary to put someone of her choosing in, knowing they will be more liberal? What’s the process for that?