
I built a Lego Technic car set when I was maybe 13 whose working transmission was just about the same level of technical complexity!

I know people and places like that exist, but seeing it written out like That? Wow.

Well, as far as evading taxes, one way to look at it is companies don’t really pay taxes, they pass them through as a cost to the end user. (at least as much as they can, like all other costs)

You realize that Ford was a multi-national company long before most people even knew what that was, right?

We’ve been to Florida many times before but in January my wife and I are driving from Miami to Key west and then back. We wanted to get a convertible and thought of a Mustang, but we got an A3 instead.

I’d be very surprised if most states let people drive cars with no inspections.

I don’t know about every man, but I wash my hands, if only to get whatever stuff from touching things all the time off of them. Not a germaphobe or anything, but I know that is probably the best way to avoid getting colds and such.

Most states have some sort of annual safety or emissions inspections already. They write your mileage down and record it for the state then anyway. Seems pretty simple to just have the states collect taxes based on that and kick whatever portion up to the Feds is determined.

.....When this technology is real, I hope I’m dead.

Yeah, I asked my wife, what exactly are y’all doing in there!

They’d be way better off buying Magna Steyr.

The “plan” is for a wonderful world where transportation is cheap, parking lots don’t exist, roads can be cut in half, traffic signals and signs can be eliminated and no one has to worry abbout a thing!

Seems pretty unfair to the poor for them not to be able to drive on roads or use public transit because that’s what the gas tax funds.

its not really simply because they did it, its that they didn't manage what they did properly and way oberallocated the water.

That's literally the first thing I thought. He's wasting energy a couple ways doing it like he is doing.

Not really, he just needs a longer spillway and put the wheel further down stream.

Hey, I believe Hillary (and Bill) is a lying cheating scumbag, but still, she’s better than Trump becoming president. I don’t have a spare million laying around to give to her campaign unfortunately but I'm definitely voting for her.

I had to drive a dump truck for a few weeks that had a split shifting 10 speed (been a While so might be wrong on the total number of gears). It had a knob attached to the regular shifter that selected hi-lo range, so it was a pain, but nothing like this.

What if it’s a Trump supporter thinking this will make people more likely to vote for Him?

Good lord. Even the other writer whose name starts with an A (does she even work here anymore?) wouldn’t think this would happen this fast after a night of doing lsd.