And what did this guy do as soon as he bumped that car? Stop in the middle of the damn lane! At least guy one was off to the side and had a warning ahead.
And what did this guy do as soon as he bumped that car? Stop in the middle of the damn lane! At least guy one was off to the side and had a warning ahead.
Most of what’s hampered SawStop is that it is expensive and if it does go off, you have to replace the kit and the blade which is not cheap either. The guy who owned the patent tried to get other companies to put it in their saws but they thought it was too expensive both for the additional cost of the tool and what…
I see the little stab about how they were unlocked. Most people with Wranglers, my wife and I included when we don’t have the hardtop on, leave them unlocked because you can easily just unzip a window or what most jerks do, cut the top with a knife. At least if it’s unlocked and someone wants to steal change (because…
You should teach her to drove a stick because it's a good thing for anyone to know, male or female. Especially if they are married to a car enthusiast who might want a stick car.
Yeah, I expected this was going to be all about health department stuff because the water wasn’t chlorinated to pool standards and inspected.
That's a construction dumpster. Not saying guys don't throw leftovers and empty food bags in them, but the main thing you'd need to worry about is a little Sheetrock dust.
But hey, lots of used parts from the doors back!
I’m a car guy and have worked on my own cars many times, but i also understand a half completed project can be an eyesore.
Having a switch or at least some sort of control movement combination prior to low level access ending granted seems smart. I mean, on our 2012 Wrangler, you have to put the key in the right position and press the gas pedal a specific way 3 times (can't remember if the brake has to be pressed too) in order to reset…
I’ve never understood why companies are like this. In the absence of information, people will ALWAYS assume the worst possible outcome or motives. Always. Not getting your side out there hurts you more than ever as with forums, Twitter, etc, information, true or not can spread faster than ever and people with…
No matter what engine is attached and how old the car is, straight cut gears sound so awesome!
This is the crux of the matter. As long as you are belted in and aren’t thrown under the car to be crushed or hit something else and assuming you’re lucky enough that any one of the individual hits and flips doesn’t break your neck, this is gradual deceleration and much better than a sudden stop.
I think he is much more confident over social media than standing up in front a group giving a talk.
It’s been pretty widely reported and noticed that Musk is not the best public speaker and I think he has even acknowledged as much.
Oh yeah, also a good one.
Is this something showing on BBC America? Or do I have to find some sketchy way around iPlayer? Used to love watching several BBC home shows including probably my favorite, Homefront in the Garden where there would go all freaking out and spend probably £50,000 on the low end on up to the six figures (they never gave…
Not only that, she is often doing some really sketchy looking work if you look closely. At least to me, a general contractor.
It’s cool in a way, but a company I used to work for about 15 years ago had a couple of private planes they flew the execs in and if we happened to to be going the same place they would have us change our schedule to fly with them. Not sure what aircraft it was but it was definitely not as quiet as being away from the…
And it was always cool to fly in a half empty (or less) aircraft too but I guess that wasn’t sustainable.
Straying a bit OT, but there is actually a decent line of reasoning that says if they did go back to minimal padding and leather helmets, it would probably be much safer because the penalty for a huge hit would be fully felt by the tackler and they would therefor not want to or be able to hit as hard. Current pads and…