Man, they have GOT to put a black piece on that Model 3 bumper like the Model S. Just too much shiny painted plastic!
Man, they have GOT to put a black piece on that Model 3 bumper like the Model S. Just too much shiny painted plastic!
Seems like as a kid, I remember (or imagine) the Supra as basically a package on the Celica. Like I swear they called it the Celica Supra at first. Am I Crazy?
Just depends on which way they cut it!
I'm more concerned the next step beyond that is controlling where your car can go and when. Having some pesky issues with some minorities you don't want people to see treated roughly. Click clack click on a keyboard and no ones rolling by. I know it seems half crazy, but you never know how far people will take…
Reminds me of my car, a 2004 MINI Cooper S with just 100k on it. Man I wouldn't think a battery cable could just go bad and still look 100% clean and devoid of dirt or corrosion, yet mine has. And you'd be surprised that a plastic button for your dome reading light that is literally a half inch across and weighs…
Even worse, this is the kind of bullshit excuse that makes people pass laws saying you can set autopilot or cruise control over the speed limit “for the children”
Honestly, that probably what most of the autonomous car whiners want and the ones that don't are just too dim to realize that's what's coming.
No, especially now because the autopilot is just an extension of the driver. Basically an agent of the driver that does things for the driver at their direction. You are capable of going any speed you desire as long as you are willing to deal with any consequences so this should be not different. We don't need more…
That's what I'm getting. Not that they are targeting Argentina, but more retaliation for stuff against other contractors or the construction managers of the project. I've seen projects where similar stuff happens albeit on a much smaller scale in the US.
Hope you beat him up for trying to screw your wife!
Exactly. If you’re not required to wear a helmet and don’t, so what, but man, your passenger has no control and they should have as good or better safety equipment as the driver.
Ah, OK. I wasn't considering it was some official diplomatic purpose and even crazier that NK would still pull that crap under those conditions.
Ha, I've been saying the same for some time as well and so has my wife, yet we will be voting for Hillary all the same come November, even if we are figuratively holding our noses because the alternative is just that much worse.
Why do they open the door?
I think he or she wants the guy out, but after being a fan of the Cowboys for a while, realizes they will somehow try to find a way to play him anyway.
Hey don’t forget about that Plumber’s F250 with the 50 cal or whatever it was mounted in the bed!
They may well go that way as it makes sense, but the trailer swap idea only really works if you control both ends of the warehouses as well as the trailers themselves. I have no idea of the actual numbers, but there are a large number of trucks and trailers that are owned by third parties and are picked up by the…
That's a next level house of cards you're building there. Let me tell you about how we didn't really go the moon, the fact that the earth is flat and have you heard about the THIRD shooter in Dallas?
So, how much is a replacement 12C windshield if you want to pay for it and not go through insurance? Asking for a friend.
Yep that guy was pretty dumb the way he was going about it. Her not talking back was just as bad.