Sheriff Of American Douchetown

It’s bad but you’d never know it with Land Rovers all over the northeast US, especially the Range Rover kind.

The best kind of rube goldberg. Zee Germans are the kings at reinventing the wheel.

This. That engine gave me fits.

Plastic intake manifold. And an intercooler. Perfect. Double whammy. Plastic and an intercooler that undoubtedly will fail over time and probably end up leaking.

Will Ospreay not impressed.

A Toyota that’s really a BMW underneath.

It’s a bold strategy from GM and VW—it’ll be fascinating to see it play out in real time.

It’s a BMW with a Toyota badge. Toyota and all the mags can claim otherwise but it’s the truth. Interior bits. Engine. Tranny. All the guts are BMW. Which means goodbye to the tried-and-true Toyota reliability and dependability they’re known for. Will be expensive to maintain and fix and it is not designed to last.

Jim Ross. He lives there. Can see him.

I’m really happy for you, Ford, and Imma let you finish but the Mclaren F1 is one of the best cars of all time!

You raved about the compliant suspension. What would you compare it to? Like what every day car or even luxury would you say is closest in comparison?

Exactly. I have a Volvo, too. Once you’re familiar and understand its parameters (and it doesn’t take long at all), it’s fine. You know its limits and what could trigger its safety systems to trigger false positives..and when they happen, be cool. Remember, you’re in control of the car. As long as you’re paying

It’s not the car. It’s the person. I think that argument applies here. I have one of these new Volvos. It’s plug n’play for me. There are some safety bits on it that can get in the way of driving but it’s nothing that’s a deal breaker. It’s very infrequent and I never feel like my life is in danger. I always feel in

This. Go over to the Scotty “Best car ever made is a Toyota Celica” Kilmer on his take on German cars. A nightmare to maintain. They use all this plastic shit that won’t last and will be expensive to replace. Why the fuck are you using plastic in the engine bay? It’s not like weight is a priority. These cars are

I have the Volvo SUV. My first choice was the V60 or even the S60. I had slightly different goals for my next car than you. I want something luxurious, a cool looking iPad screen, a car only Odin and Thor would love and bless (with magic!)(see the headlights), ample cargo room (wagon), and something fun to drive. I

Hmm. What gives? I was hoping for the full catalog of all things Marvel.

I think that covers it.

Welcome to every corporate rah-rah speech there ever was. It’s dreadful. I have to do one of these things tomorrow. I hate it. It’s so phony and everyone sounds like they have a stick up their ass.