I have 32. Keep in mind, I'm using 2 monitors, and at high resolutions they don't seem to make a big deal. When you have 4 hard drives, you'll understand how much of an accomplishment I've already made not filling one of my monitors up haha.
I have 32. Keep in mind, I'm using 2 monitors, and at high resolutions they don't seem to make a big deal. When you have 4 hard drives, you'll understand how much of an accomplishment I've already made not filling one of my monitors up haha.
Being at 36,000 myself. I still don't care.
I love Geoff and you have to be retarded not to. He ask just the right questions, enough to speak for us, and enough to keep the ability to KEEP speaking to them.
Wow. Haven't seen a good trailer in a while..
Beware of Spoilers? The whole fucking headline is a spoiler, HOW COULD I?
Can't wait to Ultra the shit out of it.
THIS is Spectacular to you? You must have really high standards.
A bunch of fuck heads finding something new to complain about. What's new.
Yea? And what profit is there in taking away someone's fear of heights.
Fuck you piece of shit. You don't know how much smarter we are than you. Feed off the retards of America, and keep your joke of a job sucking on corporate dick.
So basically. The best logical reason for this is to give a solider no fears in battle. No fears of death. No fears of killing themselves for their country.
Great. A way to make people less social. Sure, it's a good experience. But I truely hope this doesn't become the norm. People could get so immersed, forget ever seeing a person's eyes.. It's almost a little concerning..
Ahah! Nice catch. That's hilarious
O look. Another not real Ninja Gaiden game.
You're complaining it feels like a cheap piece of plastic? Have you EVER owned any Nintendo Product EVER?
How wrong you are. I'm an animator that knows it doesn't take 7 years to make a god damn game. c:
Brutes- Part of the Covenant.
A Dubstep Halo Trailer? GTFO please.
I have complete trust in Platinum Games after Bayonetta.. Except for that crappy Vanquish game. This game will be AMAZING high. And even better if they port it to PC. Please Platinum! Port it! They said they would if they got enough support.