
The price would be more justifiable with a 680M.. but a 660m? no...

Hello again... Science.. <3


THIS IS WORSE. How do they keep managing to FUCK IT UP MORE.

Or, Nintendo could of just saved a lot of money and announced all this crap at E3.

It was inevitable. So glad it was done well.

I love Gears of War's gameplay. But the story was always a silly joke that took itself too seriously.

I seriously wonder why Gametrailers is never included in these. I'm pretty sure it's a pretty huge gaming site...

It takes them 6 months to release a shitty PC port with not even a fps jump? And of course no DX11 support... They need to hire people that know what the fuck they're doing.


Let me guess. It's just a shit load of heavy stupid DMR if I can remember the name right now.. xD No DX11, no hi-res models. Woo. My 590 will be asking me why I'm playing a shitty console port stuck at 60fps.

Um is it just me.. Or is that the Free Mason sign..?

I swear. So many girls, including my gf, have been trying to make me watch this show. And then, 10 seconds into the opening song, I remember I have a penis, and turn it off.

Gee, I forgot today was SPOIL DLC for everyone day. O, and let's make it more obvious but plastering it on the front page. Can't anything be a fucking surprise these days? I'm getting sick of this stupid shit.

I stopped at 3 minutes. All I saw was shitty camera work and a lot of rookie mistakes. Not my cup of tea.

Marriage has been around far longer than any religion. Marriage is government LAW, it has nothing to do with your Church. There is no pastor needed to get married, only some lady that works for the government in some office.

If Sony got off their ass and put a Party chat system in PSN. PSN would win! But they don't seem to understand how fucking important it is :/

The Video Game Industry SERIOUSLY needs a union. Companies, (not just Rockstar) are just disgusting how they treat developers.. Which REALLY worries me, since I'm about to be one.

The one and only Shenta. got it on Xbox/Ps3/ and everything else I can imagine. Will be a hugely popular name in the future c:

He's 7 and you never introduced him to Tetris? This is your fault to begin with. I plays PLENTY of games by the times I was 7, I started playing games when I was 3. And BEAT Mortal Kombat at 4. Suck it world.