Finally, some new competition. I don't think it will change the market, but maybe it will shove MS and Sony to start finally doing something.
Finally, some new competition. I don't think it will change the market, but maybe it will shove MS and Sony to start finally doing something.
The issue was, ever since the new comments have taken place. I went from having up to 6 replies in a single day, to maybe 1 once every 3 days. So I don't believe it succeeded at all. And It's the reason I despise it.
And the Indoctrination theory was correct. What do ya know.
This commenting system is FUCKING TERRIBLE. CHANGE IT BACK.
JRPG's are some of the last games today that make story a focus. That's usually what makes them so good.
Looks pretty tacky.. Had a lot more potential :c
This is the medium, and what should be for all gaming companies. What do you mean so strong in American? Should game makers only make 50k? wtf is wrong with you?
I think this post is uneducated. If you actually listened to the lines the stargazer was saying.. The child at the end says.. "Tell me another story of the Shepherd." And the stargazer says okay..
Take your weird love of ponies to the barn! haha.
O look. A sticker on top of a black 3ds!
Wow.. Looks like they fixed-
500mb, audio? LOL.
I didn't realize they did extended trailers. Yes, they clarified everything
I guess we did make them out to be smarter than they were.. I mean.. I don't see anything being thrown out about the indoctrination theory.. It would of been nice if they actually clarified things..
If it is a month. I hope the treat it as Rockstar did and incorporate DX11 and lots of options. And not just a DRM heavy piece of crap.
Here ignorant person.
You're just ignorant. Yes you're right. They put the trees from the dream randomly at the end. And Shepherd wakes up at the end for no reason.. Though he was on the Citadel?
That one is an hour long, so I thought shorter for better with people on the internet.