I'd say that's the most ignorant comment I've ever seen. The DOA community has been harder core than any of your SF or SC games. The move list triple, and a hardcore player can destroy someone that doesn't know what they're doing in SECONDS.
I'd say that's the most ignorant comment I've ever seen. The DOA community has been harder core than any of your SF or SC games. The move list triple, and a hardcore player can destroy someone that doesn't know what they're doing in SECONDS.
Nightmare has always been Xianghua's weakness.
lol. Fun first? No.
And that's the moment it's taken too far... .-.
RE4 Leon will always be the most badass character in the RE universe.
What..The...HELL..did they DO.. to LEON.
You managed to find the worst quality versions of all those openings.. Shame on you.
Oh! was still their best album... >..>
I'm comparing a computer to a computer. They both have motherboards/ram/gpus/memory/and cpus. I'd appreciate you not dragging out this conversation more, as you can see how far it's come. All you're proving is you're a fanboy for bringing up past discussions to try and make yourself look good.
Just ask and I'll be happy to answer.
This should be industry standard.
Please, don't try challenging my card to a single gpu one. It's essentially 2 580's. And what. The 680 get's.. 10fps better than a 580? Don't make me laugh.
I'm actually upgrading to an SR2. Which I would be able to. And an SR2 will run about $500. Along with getting 2 Xeon processors, that's adding another $1,200. And I would still have a much better GPU, and at that, an upgradable one. That's the beauty of PC, I can upgrade it whenever I want, to whatever I want.
Like a professional agency that makes those kind of clothes for movies.. xD
I've been dying to play this game. I go to a gaming night once a week, the people that were playing it were filling the whole room with their constant ranting, laughing.
I envy cosplayers more than anyone else on earth.. How I wish I could make such awesome clothes.. Hiring someone to do it, is just insane in cost.. I wanted to be Zero from Code Geass cus I'd fit it perfectly.. And I wanted to have it look perfect.. They wanted to charge me 1k for the outfit and another 1k for the…
Which is completely fine. There is no shame in buying a Apple laptop. I only complained due to the insane price. Getting a reasonably price or used Apple laptop for use as an actual laptop, and not a editing bay or work station, is perfectly fine.
I think it's more of a physiological feeling that games immerse you into their world, so you don't have to be in yours. A lot of people aren't happy, and when you mix that with the chemicals in their brain that differentiates them from normal people, a game can be extremely addictive.
Good for him. Now he can be "addicted" to football. :/