That game didn't have a budget for enough explosions. It was 5 hours long.
That game didn't have a budget for enough explosions. It was 5 hours long.
Freshest experiance? I'm sorry but you do realize there are other shooters than COD...? The game was as bland as it gets, with one of the most generic stories out there.
I'm calling it's hardware retarded.
Here's a solution.
Kasumi looks... really different some how..
Hopefully the PC version will have the up-scaled graphics and detail that the retarded Wii U version will have.
First thing worth watching on the Simpsons in 486 episodes..
Why do I get the feeling, this will encourage players to NOT defeat that monster... x.x
lol me and Shinta have been friends since I started about.. 3-4 years ago haha.
God damnit, stop featuring kickstarters! Mine is premiering tomorrow morning!
Yea, for $1,200 for the most.
It's more dramatic than usual.
Fucking FED bastards.
Jesus christ, that thing is more expensive than my desktop.. And I'm running...
How many excuses are they gunna make until the game goes to present time...
A year for a 32bit system..? What are they gunna do..? Create a billion textures?
I love the art of Cosplay. I have a feeling I'm going to be one of the first non-fat Lelouche at AKON.
Some deuce bag CEO just got a bonus.
A 590 makes things run like butter... Sorry bud..