I hope this is the first game to actually test my system..
I hope this is the first game to actually test my system..
I appreciate the support. I'm wondering where I went wrong in my comment.
I meant someone. Not Luke.. The poor fellow that buys this PC... Unless they don't care about a grand...
LOL $3700? It's funny how similar that system is to mine. And you didn't even test the damn system right.
So long as Anonymous stays for the people, we need them. No one else is standing up for human rights. And we all know the government has WAY to much control, and we are just living in their world now.
Very Impressive graphics. But alas, generic gameplay I'd most likely get tired of.
Another piece of generic piece of fiction?
No thanks Treyarch.
590 is more powerful than that.. so okay..
So how much TeraFLOPS does a GTX 590 do lol.
I hope they shaved their beards.
More than Battlefield Sales.
Um.. do they remember the sales from Battlefront 1 and 2? Why don't they get off their fucking ass and give it to a studio that can do something with it. This has the potential of COD sales, and they're just fucking wasting more time on it.
Cus we all know how much us gamers love Rap.
So why is the Wal-mart brand making this..? I'd really appreciate Samsung doing it..
People don't realize how much sound is a factor. This video could of really benefited from much better sound design, and capturing voices from the camera is a HORRIBLE thing to do.
THey intentionally left out Garrus.. And Miranada was a big Actress from Chuck.. Wonder what happens to her...
I remember when I downloaded this he said loading times would take up to 15 minutes.. They really made no difference since I'm using an SSD.. In fact the game still loads faster than any console or anything.. Pics from the mod I've taken..
Never a good series anyway. Insomniac is good at making mediocre games. They should really think of some new management.