
I took this one in Skyrim....

Why do people make such a big deal of this? Most site servers don't allow a download to go over 2mbs. So it's useless.

You're NOT getting this.

You tried to pay 1 cent.

The only ignorant person here is you.

I don't know where you live, but EVERYONE can tell the difference. That's why HDTV's sell, that's why BLU-RAYS sell. You're just ignorant.

You're acting like people STOP spending money.

What's the whole point of next gen then? I can run games native 1080p on my PC. If they put a 590 it can easily handle the resolution and run at a solid 60fps. Anyway, have you seen the difference from 108op to 1440p? It's huge. I would glady sacrafise 60fps to 30fps for that res, games have been running at 30fps

So when it was rare for TV's to be 1080p in 2005, that was a good excuse right?

Keep it wireless for more than 5 hours and it dies. -.-

O yea.. Completely forgot about that one... xD

Um.. I'm sorry... Did we really fight for 300 years of wars just for freedom of speech to go away?

And here I was about to get a 2040x1440 monitor.. I think I may wait until after CES to buy one...

Those are some nice $1,500 headphones he got thar...

If you're thinking Windwaker I'll slit your throat. :)

Hey here's an idea. Make them run in 2040x1440 native. Isn't that more next gen? :/

Razer Mamba

Bethesda BLOWS. Still awesome at the same time. <.<

Yes, I will notice everything over 60fps on a 120hertz monitor. Also, screen tearing never occurs over 110fps on my system. If you have a weaker system, Vsync is good for you, but that's why there should always be an option to turn OFF vsync.

I can bet you there's plenty of machinimas based on campaign. That just suck far more.