Same. There should never be a cap on anything. Especially the framerate :/
Same. There should never be a cap on anything. Especially the framerate :/
lol He's dropping hours it took him?
$2,800 with my keyboard/mouse/monitor. About to get a Samsung 2040x1440 Monitor which will cost me another $800.
It's in the video description but..
After spending a lot on software, I don't think it's necessary to spend that kind of money on a 6 minute youtube video I'm only keeping up for a week.
I made this one for Back to Kirkland in ultra max AA on pc in 64 player battles, clicky :D
To me Skyward sword didn't even deserve to be on the list of game of the year.
Only internationally.
Jesus, use the Mass Effect music. It's there for a reason.
Is it still in it's shitty 5fps? I sware that turned me off so much from the last ones.
Bethesda rapes Gearbox in terms of loving it's fans.
I think all my sperm died.
Jokes on his parents. Those swords START at $100,000.
Commercials FOR Commercials!!! :DDDDDDD
Playing online only like BF3 may suck at times, but it's better than never playing at all. This is just lazy.
5am to 1pm at Best Buy. At least I miss the rush.
Or maybe your game would just look too shitty for my PC. Fuck you, now I'm pirating your game for my 360. O? Didn't think I could do that did you? :)
I quit that job a longggg time ago. It's to full of corporate greed, no thanks.
I wish I got the 6990 more, that card rapes mine.
Nah, my chip sucks. I got REALLY unlucky. It's fine, I'll upgrade when Ivory comes out, hopefully I get a healthy chip.