
Young Smith repping with all the credibility of Lil Yachty. Don’t go to Patrick for the definition of words.

I know her. Not personally, no, but having worked in and for corp america for 30 or so years, I have worked with black folk like her. She rose through the ranks on:

So, I’m basically waiting for corporations to stop regurgitating “diversity” and start talmbout “inclusion” and “equity.”

Calling that diversity is like calling Natural Vanilla and French Vanilla a variety of ice cream flavors.

You can have an ivy league degree and still be stupid and that’s her case.

It’s Hitler’s version of diversity.

Dying @ “Dummy Smurf”

HR has no power other than what revenue producing lines of business allow. HR isn’t even trusted to screen resumes properly.

A VP of diversity who doesn’t believe in the very definition of diversity. (Well, it’s clear why she rose to the position.) Let’s see if Apple demotes, or fires, her for her whitemansplaining.

“There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blonde men in a room and they’re going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation.”

Not to dis Young Smith but corporate America has been “ghettoizing”, their word not mine, HR for years by making a POC (woman of color is a twofer) head of “Diversity” for decades. So that whenever they are called out they can roll that person out to the public and say “See we can’t be biased..”. It is like the

I read everything but all I saw from Young Smith was code words for

I was looking for a solid side-eye GIF, and I guess since I’m in the Twin Cities, I got a cornucopia of Prince served to me. There are many more than this, but I can’t choose just one at the moment, so I’m going with my two favorites.

I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term diversity is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT.”

“There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blonde men in a room and they’re going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation.”

Oh, and let’s be clear, he’s in trouble. This has nothing to do with him moving to another job. He’ll be lucky to stay out of prisons.

His facial hair looks like burnt toast with hole in it.

All hat, no cattle.

Is it weird that I think it’s because he’s about to get a job in the Trump Administration?

I’m guessing that someone uncovering some malfeasance during his brief attempt to get in to the federal government is what led to this. Too bad Bernie Kerik is out. They would have made interesting cell mates.