
Really? I feel like that was probably just being polite, not anything else. A good proportion of Westerners probably expect Westernised cutlery when flying on Asian airlines. If you desperately wanted chopsticks you would have been given them. You would just have had to ask.

Also, historically- Flight attendants were required to hold an R. N. or higher.

She’s not a better person just because of her job. A person’s class status and job is not necessarily an indicator of character. There is nothing wrong with serving nuts. She’s a better person than that flight attendant because the flight attendant is a bigot.

I agree with you with one exception: some cars are not powerful enough to do that :) You won’t find them stateside, but in Europe there are plenty of small-engined cars that won’t roll on their own, unless you really know what you’re doing and/or rolling down some incline.

I agree completely. It is only the rare occasions a car cannot start moving wihout gas. Obviously, those cars should be avoided when teaching.

“Wayne’s lyrics are epic. Few equal his wordplay.”

There is a new chain in the Bay Area called Super Duper. They are totally aping Whataburger’s style (and mainly their font), except replace the jingoistic Christianity with craft beer on tap. The five hour drive to get to the nearest one is the only thing keeping me from gaining 50 lbs.

You’re not engaging with arguments made.

Call me insensitive, but I don’t think a 95 year old should be driving a Mustang. Or anything else.

Seriously now, you are embarrassing yourself. That’s not an ad hominem. Literally nothing you have applied the phrase to so far has qualified.

Again, you transparently have no idea what constitutes that particular logical fallacy so you should probably stop saying it so often. I mean, assuming you care about embarrassing yourself in public; maybe you don’t. Your contributions to this conversation so far make me wonder.

Want to bring that mentality to men accused of rape? Didn’t think so.

The Queen of Soul throws more shade than a solar eclipse.

Like Kilimanjaro across the Serengeti—such is the shade that Aretha throws.

Unfortunately, people who have never seen real poverty aren’t very good at imagining a needs/wants scale so different from their own that safety becomes a luxury. The tragic truth is that for many people around the world, what we would consider basic safety is something they simply cannot afford.

Depends on the gear ratios. This will not work consistently on WRX and you will stall it out without additional gas.

My husband insisted on buying a car with a manual transmission so now I’m trying to learn how to drive it! Your suggestion of not using the gas pedal at first really helped! After a couple stalls while trying to press the gas in while letting off the clutch (as I’ve always heard people say to do and it’s what he

While i generally would agree with this sentiment, there are a few exceptions to this rule. My Civic hybrid with its gutless 1.3l, steep economy minded gearing, and close to 3000 pound curb weight is nearly impossible to get rolling without the gas pedal on all but the very flattest of surfaces and with much clutch

Because of this comment, I mastered the clutch on my new Wrangler in about 15 minutes after hours of struggling. Stick to clutch only at first, then add the gas when you’re comfortable getting it started. It’s the best way, hands down.

Dangit people. There's only one rule when teaching someone how to drive a stick. LEAVE THE GAS PEDAL OUT OF IT! If they can learn to get the car rolling with no gas, and not kill it, they've mastered using the clutch. Only after that introduce the gas pedal. It's one less pedal to try and juggle. Easy peasy lemon