
This is Sam, aka Samwich. He's mostly Border Collie and then a bunch of other shit, with just a liiiiiiittle but of Pitt in him. He's way too narrow to have much but that still kept people from wanting him. Here, he poses enthusiastically with pieces of our rug he was so kind to redecorate for us. He was severely

Thanks for a very informative and thought-provoking read. I think that part about touch and the hunger for human touch is what got to me. I've always felt pretty isolated and rejected in my life, and I was trying to articulate to my girlfriend just last night how much I love just touching her or feeling her touch me,

Being robbed at gunpoint harms you forever. I know, it happened to me.

having a gun to your face will change you forever I'm told. Besides, one hick up and the robber becomes a murderer.

Ronald Reagan implemented conjugal visits for prisoners in CA.

If I have to sit on a seat built for a capuchin monkey, terrified to recline it lest I get stabbed, you bet I'm wearing sweats. I'd wear a toga if I had one.

I'm never going to stop crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Dear everyone, this is what the teeth of large non=venomous snakes look like. Love, Your Nightmares

As long as he doesn't remember it's totally cool.

"If someone is passed out they're not even WITH you consciously! so WITH Implies consent."

As long as he couldn't remember it, nothing happened.

Now we know why Cee-Lo is going to be turned into a Cenobite.

So, if some guy drugged Cee-Lo and forced him to have sex against his will, he'd be cool with that?

I am a massive pendant and that was a really, really pedantic point.

Because it's wrapping the entire thing and removing it would involve reaching in and grabbing the person's food. That's what fish en papillote IS; that's how it's fucking served.

A shitload of water + speed / idiocy = critical injury

Right, but those are playing on racism as well as the "damsel in distress" trope. We don't treat actual women, especially women of color quite the same as these stylized propaganda damsels.

I understand why Obama is indecisive. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Fighting ISIS effectively one needs to further arm the Kurds - who obviously have their own territorial ambitions and want to break away from Iraq altogether. This would undoubtedly distabalize neighboring Turkey with their own Kurdish

*fixed that for you : )

Y'know, Mark, if you were to give Jezebel updates on that Gofundme several times a week for a few weeks, we might just pay for that kid's entire college education. I would happily crowdfund you a very nice bottle of your favorite hooch were that to happen. Just sayin'.