
I still haven’t picked up my jaw off the floor. It has been there for HOURS.

and this is now trending on twitter #notallterrorist.

Usher in the new [not new] angry while male terrorist. I wonder how fox and friends are covering this…. I can’t wait to hear the “history of mental illness” narrative on this. ON ALL 3 at that! Next time I am on a plane I am going to tell the flight crew how terrified I am to fly and ask them to please remove the

Yeah, me too. I forwarded that one to a couple of friends. Shit, that was a scary ass story.

I saw this on TV. One of those true crime, discovery TV, specials did a show about this, great job, it is almost as if you narrated it from TV.

Yup, dark ‘scurry, isolated, nothing but you, dark empty roads, possums that run out on said dark empty roads and did I mention really ‘scurry?

Wait, what, there is a cat used for blood transfusions, like, that is the cat’s purpose, kinda like a blood bank?

Umm, you had me at terrified when you mentioned a game called “sardines”.

Me too.I have a lot of shame and terror then I made it worse by hopping on over to no sleep on reddit.

Well that was fucking scary as hell. THIS I won’t be able to shake for a while. Yup, the living way scarier than the dead.

My cousin (I grew up with him, same household from the time I was 6 mths old, same parental figures, so we were like siblings) was killed a few years ago. Someone knocked on his door, said they were the police, He gets up to open door, a verbal exchange happens, then this person proceeds to shoot him in the head and

Yes, its now never surprising to me, the awful things people become, what they do, when someone dies and ANYTHING of value is up from grabs.

Yes, it did and my dad left the monetary arrangements for him to be buried - cash, atm, banking info with his longtime partner, the ex-wife blows in like the wind, with the kids they had together (7 of them, all adults) and terrorizes this woman, who, her dad just died 2 weeks prior, at the time of her dad’s death, my

Yes, I believe this to be true. When I was a kid, I was raised by my grandparents starting at around 6 months old, also in this household was my cousin, 4 years older than me. We were extremely close as kids, and being raised together more like sibling we lived in a very rural area, 5 families, all of us related. This

Lots of notes to self here. Thank you.

Haha, just laughing to myself imagining the devil pacing.

Really, terrible, terrible people. It was spiteful, and obviously deliberate.

EXACTLY! The doc told me its a BP medicine now being used on veterans with PTSD, and I was like YES PLEASE, these fucking nightmares are just making it awful for me to even want to sleep.

That is why I asked, I would never ever touch a ouija board, FFS! You had me at “glass scoots around”! Just the thought of that. HEEBIE god damn JEEBIES.

That sounds awful. This was the first time for me, I actually saw “things” standing above or on my child and that is why it scared the shit out of me. You know how in most dreams, the scene is familiar but one or two things are off or kind of distorted? NOPE, not this time, everything was perfect in details, like