[Edit] .....because Hitler's original Nazi movement was simply a cover for a master race of gay super spiders.
[Edit] .....because Hitler's original Nazi movement was simply a cover for a master race of gay super spiders.
She is not only looked at him cross eyed but also giving him the side.eye. That is all the reassurance I needed. Side eye please don't let me down!
I wonder if it matters that Veet has some of the worst, most useless wax hair remover products on the market. Meh, maybe not. YES, I am the one always risking "dudeness" at the nail salon with my unshaved legs - the nerve of me to get a pedicure without shaving my legs first.
What is that THING all the girl and boy zoolanders are doing, with that raised eyebrows, wrinkle in the forehead freakshow selfie pose? I really hate that one, more than I hate duck face…
I am with ya on the terrifying part.
Yes, dear lord - PLEASE. I will then stop calling her GED Jan.
Within days of adding myself to the national do not call list my telemarketer calls went up exponentially. I say, do NOT, add yourself to the do not call list. I have lived in my house for 3 years, and never ever got calls on the land line as it is a line I use strictly for work. I don't even KNOW the number, so there…
I am sure many hours were spent in front of the mirror with a mike and recorder in her hand trying to sound 'tril - like she is totes down with trap music, she is T.I.'s protege, so I shouldn't be surprised, but jesus, she is wack as fuck!
VERY forced. - eye roll.
so so soooooo WACK! Lord, make the WACKNESS stop.
Finally. Thank you. It seems like more people get hung up on this little nuance than normal.
WOW -That is REDIC.
..By following these simple steps...
Must be nice.
GOLD! That is flawless.
I was once helping a doctor extract one (he was trying to extract intact) and my job was to lift and hold the fat that was sitting on this thing, (the fat was really heavy) anyway, it exploded all over the doctors face. I left the room immediately so that I could laugh. I am terrible I know.
This is very very true. I don't think people realize that.
That is a awful, awful story…but I can relate, I used to be a medical assistant, and lord help us when someone had a really angry, pulsating cyst on their nether regions.
Yup, its true. You are so right. I used to be a medical assistant, I was once helping this doc who was trying to remove a cyst intact, instead of lancing it, it exploded ALL over his glasses and face. I left the room so that I could laugh.
THANK YOU! You have said right here what I want to say to everyone who loves to throw MLK name around every time a black person actually defends themselves. Imagine that, actually standing up and defending yourself, because as we all know, when it comes to bullies the BEST tactic ever is to sit back and take it and…