haha, Kreay, is probs really pissed about this massive case of swagga jackin! Yes, as much as it kills me to say so, Kreay is ever so slightly better at rapping than she is. They both suck massively, but she takes the sucking award.
haha, Kreay, is probs really pissed about this massive case of swagga jackin! Yes, as much as it kills me to say so, Kreay is ever so slightly better at rapping than she is. They both suck massively, but she takes the sucking award.
Here you go - http://www.vice.com/read/meet-the-nieratkos-the-twins-of-atlanta
This. http://www.vice.com/read/meet-the-nieratkos-the-twins-of-atlanta
THESE guys. I knew I recognized you two.
The REALLY interesting story might be the one about those twins you see in the video. Fascinating article about them in Vice. Oh and by fascinating I mean, *totes* gross.
I see those two twins from the Vice article. ewww..gross.
Your meme gave me the laughs.
Yup, you better. Kinda like the way I like to show my honorary white card when I am pulled over with my husband in the card - I call it, my white by proxy card.
Top Level - You always have something relevant to say. Thank you. Well done.
I dont think I would like god very much, if he decided to give me the gift of rape. Yeah, I am gonna say, the gift of life via rape would make me a very pissed off person. I swear to GOD (yes you) that if men were being raped at the rate that women are (or could get pregnant) this would not even be a conversation to…
Well that is one thing we agree on - I think I would have been more offended if all the kids for the MJ costume were black. That was the very least of my concerns actually, who looks better in a MJ costume. Yes I hear some parts of Canada are quite different, I havent been so I have no perspective.
Yeah I gotta admit, I do a little fist pump when parents murder or beat child rapists within a inch of their life. Wish I could say I didn't — but I do. I think I danced a little when that story came out of that woman cutting off and throwing her rapist's penis out a window after he had repeatedly raped her for years.
Praying right now. I will find the closest cliff if this happens.
I love Issa Rae so much it makes me want to Vom.
Yes, I agree with you completely. In a few of my earlier comments, I made that differentiation. ALL rapes are terrible, but I do think some should be treated significantly more harsher than others.
I wonder WHAT kind of education we can give them? And why hasnt this "education" worked in the past.
I lived in Atlanta for 12 years, cant say I heard it. But the N word, that is entirely a different story. Breaks your heart doesnt it?
I humbly request that you do a recent survey of any reliable sources yourself. Thanks.
Speaking of 8193, did you see this definition of recidivism by bee knees? The stats show that sex offenders are almost always repeat ones. Maybe a little clarifier of what Recidivism means might help.
I am gonna go with your last statement - too many chances.