
BRILLIANT Writing Luke.

Damn you.. You had me.

Highfive.. no wait...

I am Indian.


You would be right to be indignant because you care about YOUR kid. I don’t know about this particular individual, but in many many many MOST cases, the parenting is the first thing we should look at. We will surely ruin the life of the cop, but the parents will go scot-free - IF I could, I’d set up a parent

Indignance should start with the bad parenting.

Meat Gluttons are true Asshats. I guess its your right to not care how many animals are harmed in the making of your jackassery.

Porsche, by creating a “Tesla Killer” have done nothing less than further legitimizing Tesla.

No offense - and I’m not a Microsoft fan by ANY means — re: your statement:

Glad you don’t consider that TROLL Mrs Imus as a “Celebrity” LOL.

Absolutely - on BOTH sides.

Partially TRUE in some of those cases ! This is NOT A race issue.. it’s a parenting skills issue.

Miko: Very mature and I honor your open-mindedness - thank you for that.

re: Ted Bundy, etc - YES I blame the parents up to a certain point - let’s say Age 25. Just because an ailment isn’t physically manifested doesn’t mean you should stop caring. If a parent has a severely disabled child who they love, they will care for them for their entire life.

If, in your world suggesting that people become better parents is synonymous with trolling, then so be it.

the real problem is bad parenting

MOST INSIGHTFUL and sincere question ever, Barry*...

No, not saying that it would NEVER happen, but let’s not poo-poo the idea - obviously it would have to be beneficial in MOST circumstances - “wet, dry, and icy surfaces.” with 40% redux in braking distance... sounds pretty good to me.

yes but in a situation like that (gravel, potholes, etc) you probably won’t be going uncontrollably fast, no ?