Or I’ll just take a Namaste
Or I’ll just take a Namaste
RIGHT !!???
RIGHT !!???
Friend of mine used to work for Warner-Lambert when it owned Listerine brand.
Friend of mine used to work for Warner-Lambert when it owned Listerine brand.
Actually, in the wild, Gorillas NEVER threw poo UNTIL they observed the behavior of Petroleum Executives in the field delegating to their minions.
better question you should be asking - What's wrong with Android ..
Kanye doesn't rule.
Bugatti, Porsche, Ford, etc.
PLEASE see my comment about their safety !!!!
PLEASE see my comment about their safety !!!!
Oil filled space heaters are great esp because they are quiet and do heat well... HOWEVER...
Oil filled space heaters are great esp because they are quiet and do heat well... HOWEVER...
As a Hindu dad, vegetarian, and father of the most beautiful , loving, and strong daughter in the world, this video makes me happy.
Yes. Because OPINIONS.
Sounds like you are a wonderful individual who has a very proper upbringing (or the constitution to have thrived though a bad one). Done everything right, checked off all the boxes, and now you just meed to put yourself in the proper target rich environment. One thing I would humbly suggest - perhaps you need to…
Good news - you wait another year, get a little richer and look again.
Is it too cliche here to say to the men:
Your "Wife's" Sewing room eh ?
Your "Wife's" Sewing room eh ?