
Ohhh I see. The few times I had to wear Spanx, I felt terribly uncomfortable and the damn thing kept riding up and bunching up in all the unexpected places. I'll try to go a couple sizes up and see if that works. Thx for the advice!

My kid arrived at college this fall and was immediately approached by tons of frats. He said no to every one of them. He's a social kid that has tons of friends, makes new friends instantly, goes to parties, participates in music jams, open-mic standup nights, etc etc. And he found the frats completely repellent.

"I've known a lot of miserly people in business who tip very little. They do not now suddenly have massive wealth through their penny-pinching."

Oh it's righteous vengeance all right. Dude wanted to show off, he got to show off in ways he hadn't expected. I bet it was his last date with that woman, too.

I had to go and look up the Elf on the Shelf, because my kids were a teenager and a preteen when it first came out, and we missed the whole thing. So I only just learned what it is, and all I can say is, I'm thoroughly creeped out!

I don't remember specifically telling my kids (19 and 21 now) about Santa, they must've picked it up at daycare. Neither did I explicitly tell them Santa wasn't real. When my oldest was 5, I found out that he didn't believe in Santa and I have no idea how he got to that point. I just warned him not to tell it to the

See, this is where Wilson lost me. It's impossible to swing a night stick inside a car, yet it's somehow possible for a large, bulky person to lean into a car through an open window (which, even in a large SUV, isn't a terribly huge window still) and pummel the shit out of the driver with both hands, while

I'm Eastern European and I once met a middle-aged woman who thought I was the then-South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford's Argentinian mistress, just because of the same (not terribly rare) first name and an accent. Never mind that I look nothing like the woman. Boggled my mind. She was so excited to have met me in person,

Yeah well, I don't know how I feel about that. Now that they are finally cooking, doing car maintenance, doing things around the house, giving me tips about good music and movies, and giving me rides when I need one, not to mention taking care of the dog anytime I'm out of town, I am not so sure if I want them to move

Just remember, you will then have two teenagers living in your house, two kids starting to drive at the same time, and two kids in college at the same time. Ask me how I know! But seriously, I love it that my two kids grew up together, have a close relationship, and share the same childhood memories. True, first year

I think people are confused about this statement. They seem to think it means "a job that's good for you should feel like a really fun party/really good sex combo", when it really means "a job that's good for you shouldn't feel like a slow soul-sucking death".

My pet peeve - when I'm in a stall, and another female coworker walks into the bathroom while still mid-conversation with a male coworker she'd run into while in the hallway. She then proceeds to stand in the doorway, with the bathroom door OPEN, and continues to talk to the guy. WTF?!?!? I've only had this happen to

Hear, hear. When I was 30, I had a four-year-old and a toddler, and had just gone back to my real job after four years of staying home with the kids/taking whatever part-time or contract work came along, as long as it had flex hours. So, yeah, to me, this article sounded like it was written by an alien from outer

If it's any consolation, I'd have rented if I had a choice. Home repairs are insanely expensive and time-consuming, property values are STILL going down where I live, and you cannot up and move whenever you feel like it - first, you have to sell your house that, in today's market, won't sell.

I'm an intermediate-level cheapskate, and I am completely with you on stockpiling. Having grown up in Eastern Europe, where there was a shortage of everything, and you had to buy as much of, well, anything, as they'd allow you, the minute you'd see it in a store, because you knew it would sell out in a few hours and

Thanks for posting this. Back in my Christian years, it's people like you that I tried to sit next to in church. They do exist.

For Jesus to send his soul to hell, all those three things (Jesus, soul and hell) should exist. The odds of that happening are so low, that I'd say he was right to take his chances.

I showed this to my family yesterday and told them, "THIS is why you need to always read the comment section". Freaking awesome.

Unfortunately, a lot of people DO discuss movies and hobbies during work, for hours. Then at the end of a work day, they pat themselves on the back for being team players, unless the chat about movies and hobbies took place in a meeting that they called, then they pat themselves on the back for being hard workers.

Good point. This isn't what the Forbes quote says, anyway - it says to tell them how you're going to help them get things done the way they need them done, which is a completely different thing.