
Are you going to admit that you didn't read the whole comment or are you going to pretend that didn't happen?

It's not just you. I can't figure out the "highlights" view at all. "All Replies" mode is a lot better, but sometimes the display goes wonky and I can't get the right reply button. It's very frustrating, and I don't understand the point of the "highlights" mode.

Well why would they wait until these girls are adult women to start punishing them for having opinions/being female? Just seems like procrastination to me.

But is she that underrated?

I assume Nate grew that awful stache so he can be differentiated from Guy Pearce?

I suffered a severe concussion last year and have had severe concentration issues ever since. I'm doing my PhD, I have to be able to concentrate, but Doctor upon Doctor just kept saying "it will heal, you just have to take it easy"...After 6 months of almost no mental activity then plus 6 more of attempting to do

Thanks for writing about this. I'm a weird outlier: as a girl, I was diagnosed at around 7, back in '86 or so. My dad was diagnosed at the same time, and the diagnosis changed his life (I won't go into too much detail, but he's one of the most intelligent people I've ever known and he flunked out of high school). The

Very well put. And I'm so sorry about your abuse.

Females do sexually abuse other females. A family member was sexually assaulted by a female. She has had to live with the "it wasn't real rape" comments her whole life...from women. It's disgusting.

She used the venue because, like it or not, this is how we communicate with one another now. This is what you have to do to make people listen. I can't imagine the amount of courage it took her to do this. I also can't imagine the stomach-dropping feeling her abuser must have had when she heard her on the other end of

Very interesting perspective! Thank you so much for that! And I'm really sorry that you feel that way sometimes. No one should ever make you feel like you're different or somehow inferior because of your faith or upbringing!

I think it's because it's somehow become people's terrible Christmas staple movie when it is terrible.

The proper term for a collection of butt plugs is a stuffing. A stuffing of butt plugs.

So, I hate this movie and I think it's completely unrealistic, HOWEVER, I do personally know a couple who met during WWII, he was a German POW forced to work on a Soviet communal farm and she was a Russian peasant farm girl. He didn't speak Russian, she didn't speak German, but somehow they fell in love (God only

Watching a romantic comedy for anything that remotely resembles real life behavior is like advertising dance lessons in a Southern Baptist church bulletin.

I'm guessing boy #2 got his job done for you, because he was a rebound. What you may really be feeling is "Holy Shit, I'm really alone." But maybe you need to be. The real awesome guy will show up when you've had some time alone.
Anyway, I send good vibes to you.
PS: maybe he's like that guy on Law and Order who helped

I liked it until he said "king bee."

From the mouths of babes. SORRY MORTY, BUSTED!

Keep up the good work with your niece, Brassy.

I thought this was such a cute commercial until my 12 year old niece pointed out this exact same thing. She said, and I quote, "But Morty doesn't DO anything!"