
I 100% agree with this. And I was thinking that if I was Ms. Chen, after trying to figure out what was going on and maybe apologizing if there was a misunderstanding, if someone was that angry at me and I had done nothing to deserve it, I’d be afraid she was mentally unstable, and worried for my safety (I’d probably

UNRELATED BUT IMPORTANT (TO ME) QUESTION: as of a few months ago (practically?) every article I click from the Jez homepage has a charming sub-category page like “Fly Girl” or “The Muse” or “I Thee Dread” (admittedly, now that I’ve been looking for them to write this question I’m having trouble finding them. But

Oh maybe. That seems like it might have been assigned reading for any number of my undergraduate classes.

Where did I read about this kid before? I read a long thing about him but I can’t remember where....

One of my professors in business school really loved to use fashion as a metaphor for innovation and trends—pushing boundaries and cycling back. Obviously some innovations are stickier than others— I doubt very much we’ll circle back around to horse drawn carriages and let our cars rust. But a lot of the points he

Everything from my major depression time is sort of shrouded in a grey misty haze. It is challenging to look back at that time except and remember anything except for how terrible I was feeling. There are a few memories that are particularly happy though, when I saw friends for the first time in ages...moments where

I can't take pics at the moment but I got them off this store and they are SO AMAZING! AND she'll make custom pieces. Yippie!!!

SHE WASN'T NORMAL SHE WAS PERFECT. Every indication we have suggests that she was the person I would totally ant as my best best friend. Now excuse me I have to go open the boxes of Austen themed jewlery I bought on Etsy last week to celebrate the 202 anniversary of P&P's publication...

A long time, I've known about it and tried to deal with it and gotten frustrated and sad and basically it has a major impact on my life and how I live it, which is a major bummer. I am just too shy and uncomfortable to figure out how to deal with it in a legitimate way.

me, help!

Ok so I'm going to say something that is going to get me pilloried here is bad form to go to the theater without taking pains to consider the people around you. I've yelled at people with hats before.

it is among the best musicals of all time. It is super accessible because it ties back into things we all know and remember from childhood but puts a mature and realistic view on the fairy tail ending.

I saw her on broadway when she was just a kid. She didn't have a ton of stuff to do, but she did it all really well. You can hear her as a just a babe on the Original Cast Recording of Ragtime (featuring impossibly talented and sexy Brian Stokes Mitchell) singing "Make Them Hear You" which is excellent accompaniment

For what it's worth, if it hasn't already been posted, the fraternity wrote an editorial in Brown's newspaper about it. I am sharing it because I think insofar as these types of editorials go, it has a better tone than others I've seen. Note that I am not sharing this because I am trying to make the frat boys look

What was the Evelyn Evelyn fiasco?

I think one way it could be very helpful with regards to bystander intervention is to help people make a conscious effort to pay attention. If you are a kid in a frat and you want to be a decent human, it can't hurt to be advised as to what type of signals to look for. Sometimes it is hard to tell if it appropriate

I don't materially disagree with anything you say, especially the bits about the environmentally toxic beads. However I can't help it, the marching bands fill me with glee and I love the spectacle of the floats and the dancers. Maybe because I am relatively new to it, or because I am positively immature, who knows.

Oh dear, I am sorry to have touched a nerve there. I am a newish resident, and this will only be my 4th Mardi Gras, so I don't know how it was "before". But I do love it very much, even though I thought I wouldn't since I am not a big fan of giant crowds or rowdy drunks.

Do we know it was a dude who made the comments? There are (sadly) transphobic women out there too. And you know, in case we don't know it was a dude, my inner feminist wants to self-righteously remind everyone that women can be elected officials (and bigots) too!

Krewe Du Vieux has to be an exception, no? Only 6 months til #NOLAMG2015