Here’s video not filmed on with apple watch
Here’s video not filmed on with apple watch
Calling Fallout “Bethesda’s Series” is abominable.
What do you mean? JarJar is better than Ewoks or Chewbacca. Those guys are just jokes.
I just imagine some Q3 guy flashing by nailing slow dudes with Railgun...
What it means to be star wars movies - is to be filmed 30 years ago so there would be much nostalgic kids loosing shit about what they though was like super awesome back then.
Lost interest in Overwatch, because of lack of Mac support. But they sure do have Xbox and PS4. Era of Awesome Blizzard games is officially over.
I wonder, when technically challenged editors of Kotaku will understand that 265 colours gif compresses 6.5 MB video on each article is fucking stupid idea?
I have giant cat on my real car. You know, why do gamer people have to be so judgmental about others tastes... Just. Why?
Jar Jar was amazing character, only one “human” there to face moral choices. Others a like dumb puppets doing hero stuff. But whatever. You’re blinded by your nostalgia and denial that prequels are far superior to original movies in any way.
You know, it’s much easier on developers in big studios, with hundreds of millions dollars of security cushion.
1. Nice
At some point I moved from dota 1 to dota 2, because they didn’t have Techies... Most useless, annoying hero. Bad as teammate, bad as enemy, just... Annoying.
Did they took soundtrack from some porn movie in 1st video?
Well... Cograts! That quite a milestone. I just checked, I have over 3k Dota 2 games. My friend who’s playing competitively, he has over 10k hours logged...
please, youtube. This is slow :(
Aw.... The Kickstarter for video games:
My steam says I says I have WAY more than 100 hours in games I like.
ewww... tiny unborn fishies eeewww
Still no promised Mac OS X or Linux versions.