Oh, come on. Illidan can bloody dash through half of the map! This here is another high burst damage assassin. Deal with it. Assassins are there to kill.
Oh, come on. Illidan can bloody dash through half of the map! This here is another high burst damage assassin. Deal with it. Assassins are there to kill.
Point is - some assassins would slaughter you.
Last time it was different...
I really don’t see any problems with it. Well... DON’T SOLO ASSASSINS. They are there to kill you.
Google something like “car subwoofer bass hair”
I just leave it here
Heels are essential in muddy terrain exploration!
Another one bites the dust. Gamedev is tough country, not everyone can handle it.
I had hope that they wouldn’t make another slow and stupid rail shooter made for console controllers.
I don’t thing ‘surrender’ option would work in pub. I play a lot of HotS and Dota2. Every now and than people typing ‘gg’ and ‘let `em win’ after anything goes not like they envisioned it. Surrender should be an option only in competitive matches, where there is something on stake, so people would give up just because…
I can’t stop remembering Community “Worlds within worlds!” VR episode.
I wrote - HotS is not about kills. Or staying together and killing enemy heroes. It is about objectives and teamwork (not mobbing together, but coordinating pushing and achieving objectives all over the map).
Yes. It really upsets me when people start to leave empty lines loosing XP in early game for ganks...
That would be nice. Because guys from Stem charge 300$ for 2 controllers + base station http://store.sixense.com/collections/st…. Which is basically 300$ just for 2 controllers...
Sorry. My bad. It just team battles in HotS are much less rewarding than in momentum mobas like Dota or LoL. It is often better to avoid team battle and focus on objectives.
Wow. They rediscovered lost technology of Razer Hydra (released in 2011) and call it Science Fiction. Big disappointment that no prices was announced and overall nothing new or exciting.
> The goal of team battles in a MOBA like Heroes of the Storm is to keep yourself (and your teammates) alive while simultaneously killing your opponents.
No. I didn’t.
Quite a lot of praise for Honest Trailers :) I really loved
why would you do this. I hate this game so much, that I wouldn’t even punch buttons. But I will call it a review with melancholic voice. Wtf?