Shawntez Phillips

To be fair if hes talking about Witcher 1 then...yea you kinda just bang everyone and collect their pokemon cards, even random hookers.

Basically there is a classic movie called “Oldboy” that got remade by Spike Lee. Owlboy just sounds close to it.

Actually wasn’t this confirmed awhile back. Around the time the game was first announced?

CBBE actually works now. The original ESP can just be copied over.

There will probably also be a nice performance boost. Since OG Skyrim doesn’t exactly use all of the cpu or vram of your gpu.

Ok so question.

Honestly I have a bit of a problem with certain decesions within the quest.

Really glad this is a bit more than a glorified texture mod/enb like the popular gta4 mod.

Usually this means that a pod of casts will be involved.

Honestly Black Ops 1 and 2 are really good also.

Honestly it just feels like a checklist for me.

I really miss the telltale games that had kinda hard puzzles instead of the illusion of choice. I honestly really like the stories in telltale games but I tended to play them longer when I would have to backtrack to certain areas to find clues etc etc. The good story was the incentive to do these things.

Honestly gonna disagree on FFX. There really isn’t much to do until you get the airship aside from blitzball. Which pretty much directly mimics how i feel about gran pulse and FFXIII.

Lol yea thats what I was getting at. Since the game is straightforward at first then opens up around gran pulse. It was a sort of bad joke.

They are really taking the “we want the opposite of ffxiii” criticism to heart huh.

I honestly thought they took it down because the game kinda just...runs bad.

Let me guess, long scratch on the right of the top screen.

Oh, im sure im just not woke.

Because mobile games get unfair treatment. This is a prime example of a good mobile game that doesnt nickel and dime you because you basically have to buy the whole thing.

Having it cost that much is just really really dumb.