Shawntez Phillips

Honestly the way both games work, it probably better to get them on mobile. I feel like they will feel empty as hell on a console or somewhere you cant play in bursts.


Man the payoff of this game was...really weak.

Actually they still do. A big one is Scalebound made by Platinum is 2017. Crackdown 3 isn’t on windows and while it isn’t a new ip it is going to show off the Azure engine that has destructible everything. It is also being made by a new dev. Crimson Dragon is also one that while niche, is another big exclusive to only

Actually yes. You still have Halo, Gears 4 (when it comes out), etc.

Honestly this whole thing follows the old thing people do when they pick their favorite actors that look like the characters instead of people who can actually play said part. Actors really only have to have features of the characters honestly and the personality is more important than how they look.

Out of curiosity how much would it be to import this give or take?

take care not to fall into the “7-to-9 scale”

Also on android. Didn’t work with 5.0 for sooooo long.

Honestly FF4-6 real only downside was the art change. Other than that technically they worked great.

Actually...this is a solid claim.


Actually because there is a better sex mod that looks....decent. It also has key commands so you can kinda change the positions at will. Since were entering nsfw territoty here already ill just post a gif.

Meanwhile im just sitting here waiting to throw my money at Fire Emblem Fates SE

Man i remember when AoD first came out. I remember my dad being super pissed because if im not mistaken the game also came with tickets to the tomb raider movie and he said that he has never felt like he wasted so much time on a thing in his life.

Honestly this is not true. Espically since Jared references parts of the game near the end of it in passing.

Actually the reviewer who reviewed this game on ign is great. He just didn’t like the game but his opinion isn’t really invalid or anything due to being a bad writer.

I am here to dissapoint. I actually enjoyed the crap out of snowpiercer.

Actually correct me if I’m wrong but usually 9/10 Bethesda games still have the data folder on console (I think this was the case with skyrim but I know it was with morrowind because with a mixed Xbox it was possible to mood morrowind.) So I’m gonna go out on a limb and say mods will work like dlc in that it will just

Unpopular opinion time! KOTOR2 was better than 1 sorry wise game wise. It was just a lot buggier and shorter because ea sucks