Shawntez Phillips

No your right, at least in the sense of project cars. Project Cars sorta punishes you more than Forza for little things.

Honestly I like it. I feel like it drives home the affects things like nanomachines are going to have down the line in an indirect way.

Honestly i feel like Steins;Gate is just a good game period. Its a visual novel but its also really accessible in my opinion in the sense that i thinkk its the perfect “gateway” vn.

Lol i sorta feel bad for saying this but depending on how you look at it vol 4 is a thing also XD

It happened already.

It was hand slipped.

This has to be intentional, its too good.

Tone is a better word i guess. I just didnt see it as a person talking about how stuff is becoming too violent as much as I saw it as a criticsim of the violence in context. Like....your character didn’t really need to stab that guy from sneak mode a bunch of times in the gut. Which is a totally fine criticism.

I really didnt get this vybe at all. It was more like they were violent without context. Like take the takedowns in Last Of Us where your enemy is getting strangled to death by Joel, grasping for his life. Makes you feel bad right?

You can get the physical actually. Its came out in UK, but since the vita isn’t region locked you just have to get that version.

its out, Vita/PS3. Its been on pc for awhile now also

Witcher 3 is the launcher you use to get to the game silly.

Honestly, I think its just a matter of how its presented. Like if you think about it Skyrim could have easily had a bunch of question marks on the map that showed where stuff was but instead it opted to have the show up when you get close to it. So you’d get sidetracked and do it.

Even back then it would probably have played out exactly the same way. Both fighters didnt miracouslly have different fighting styles. Pac man is aggressive, Floyd is defensive. 9/10 defensive fighters tend to plow over agressive fighters in general. Pac isn’t a dumb fighter he knew that trying to goe toe to toe with

See i dont get this. Its like people forget that Floyd fought Zab Judah, Gatti, Castilo, Bladomir, Maidana, etc. All of which were not only great fighters, but top contenders with holding fucking title belts.

Not to mention games having concert art locked behind collectables, so uncharted & last of us.

I think its because after manny pac we hate floyd now. Even though any person knew that that matchup is a bad matchup for pacman since thats just how floyd has always fought.

Now playing

Paper mario TTYD has a really underatted ost in my opinion.

I used to LOVE this game back on the 360. I think ill pick it up on ps4 also.

Lol I was thinking more about the general tone and overall plot of the show. Its very mature and thoughtful when it wants to be, which it is when its not doing the action stuff.