Shawntez Phillips

Actually you’d be supprised. It can be played really well solo and with little time. It will take longer but it does a REALLY good job of making it seem like everything you do has meaning.

I think it was supposed to be taken more as a little jab than anything

Really the only one im interested in is Uncharted 1. That game is probably going to need more than a res and fpc change as much as it needs what is basically the process that happened to Halo 2 on Xbox One. Actually, if the gunplay from uncharted 2/3 comes to 1 id be a happy camper.

Its probably Grasia, I’m reading the VN atm

Its pretty much this problem.

My real problem with this is that for like 5 days now since before patch 1.03 people with AMD R9 285’s have literally not been able to play the game. We have not even got a PR statement from AMD and CD Red and we have been on the front page of tech support for a solid week now. People are even turning to using modded

The Evil Within is pretty much a sold attempt, I enjoyed the hell out of it and I want more. I think a second one could be something really special.

I think its not quite time....but its close.

Its is pretty daunting. Honestly, you kind of expect this kind of thing to happen sooner or later. Its really rare when it does (and i mean really rare, usually there is something you can do)

Actually as someone whos played 3 of those eight id say, without a doubt, that they feel like great KOTOR stories no exceptions.

To be fair if it comes here I dont see it being f2p or B2p. But if there is anyway I could avoid paying 28 bucks a month on both then....i would scream happily.

Im actually running a single card build so I have no idea how to do this as i’ce never messed with it. Is there any way you can give me a quick rundown on how to disable it?

To be fair skyrim’s launch was really buggy. This is more like..the Dragon Age Inquisition launch on PC if it was actually good but still not great. Bugs are there but its not bad enough to hamper the experience.

You dont have to deal with those rare occasions where your specific build is the problem and since its so specific it might never be fixed by anyone. As a person in that current situation I feel like at least I would be able to play on a console or if a console has problems it will be fixed promptly.


You know, I shouldn’t have to just buy a new card. Its obviously either a problem with the games code or amd’s drivers (something is conflicting with something). My card performs well in most games and aside from shoddy optimization with amd cards I can usually at least run it. The fact is AMD should at the very least we really have to go here.

Well not that incident in general but its buggy in the sense that the whole xbox one save thing, the broken quests, crashes with other cards (like the erratic frames and crashes with kepler gpus) etc. Never said its one of the buggiest launches but i quote “more buggier launches of a game in recent memory” its not

Not even that. Ive tried on full screen, borderless window, window, uncapping framerate, reinstalling drivers, different windows partition, old drivers, beta drivers etc. Even setting everything to low did not help.

keyboard and mouse, tried with a gamepad also.