Shawntez Phillips

It probably wont mean much but I was ok with paying full price.

It probably wont mean much but I was ok with paying full price.

I think that Rock Paper Shotgun was a little too harsh on the story though. Dont get me wrong everything they say is valid and completely understandable but it also seemed more like the author was letting his disappointment get the better of him.

.............danger zone {sorry username and whatnot}

Honestly the big thing for me is the community part.

Lets not forget the awesome Pepsiman PS1 game.

Still i dont see it as stopped caring, it was a good game in its own right. I think it was more idea didn’t pan out the way they thought it would.

Hey never said it worked just that it tried. it actually got worse as it went on but the game play got better...way better actually. it was at the point where the story LR was so stupid that people would skip the cutscenes but they would keep playing because the openness of the world and stuff to do was

TO be fair its really different from kindgom hearts also, its sure as hell closer to KH than dark souls though.

Gonna be really blunt here. The vision shown like any other final fantasy game, FF13 had its moments of greatness but people really didn’t dig it, but you’d think that the game was the second coming of Duke Nukem Forever the way people talk about it. But lets not forget just the multitude of things 13 did that were

The thing about Sonic Adventure 2 is that if you play them now you really get to see how bad they aged.

Nice finally get to see best girl..........and no its not a weird way to say Chie.

This person needs to go buy “No, Thank You!” and thank me later.

Teacher secretly hates him, I speak from experience.

Insomniac Games (Ratchet & Clank, Sunset Overdrive) to develop a reboot of the old platforming series Conker

I wont lie, cooler returns was pretty good.

Not a dragonball movie

Pretty much sums up like...every DBZ movie ever to be honest. Some of them have a soft spot for me though.

Its a legit conern though, I know that no campaign is kind of a iffy subject.

I actually REALLY liked the Wii version of Nights, its underrated in my opinion.

I don’t think they are giving up on the raids at all, they did say that they are working on a new one it just its not this expansion. I like the idea of new stuff in destiny, it really needs something new to break up what people are doing now to gear or at the very least another goal other than do the raid and get