Shawn N

Dammit Hillary, please don't make this bitter Patriots fan like Michael Strahan. I'm still bitter over the 2007 Super Bowl....oh dammit i can't do it. Mikes one of the few guys on that team i like. I only wish he could have gotten a ring without that 12 year old they have at QB getting one also.

Being around that many people sober is terrifying enough, fuck dealing with that shit while high. Drunk maaaaaaybe, but while trippin balls, no fucking way

Dear God, shrooming in a convention? What a terrible, terrible idea.

I'm not angry at the Patriots for doing this? It's a smart, allowed dick move.

Every time I read your name I imagine thats's how John Travolta would pronounce Dylan McDermott's name.

"Guys, what I was trying to say was..."

I think he is literally going to make the exact same argument he did on the show and not even realize it.

Oh snap, Beadle done upset Steven.

I love that he wastes so much time with tough-guy posturing, too. He makes sure we know he'll kick an ass if it touches one of his female possessions, though said possession could save him the trouble by rethinking her tone before it gets that far.

FCC, NCAA, and a shitload of other acronyms really need to just fuck off!

But they have a whole month dedicated to breast cancer awareness! They give 5% of the profits to Susan Komen! You bet the NFL cares about women('s money)!

The PGA might be doing better if television wouldn't dedicate 97 percent of its golf resources and publicity to the guy who finished in 69th place.

Why do I get the feeling that Seahawks fans are about to become football's version of St. Louis Cardinal fans?

I mean, aren't there only like 13 members of the Westboro Baptist Church in the first place? (OK, there are about 40, I think, but still.)