
(may I get out of the greys please) One of the best things ran across has been an exo that explained why the Exo Stranger is so busty.. lol. My wife and I play co-op and we both wondered why an exo would need to be busty, let alone have breasts. I’m not going to spoil it but there’s an exo that you scan that

Absolutely it will be. There’s no way they’d miss out on the 114 million PS4's out there compared to the who knows how many FEWER millions of PS5's.... lol

(squints)... Spiderman Ultimate... Close enough for me...(clicks purchase)

I enjoyed the demo. I even like the nods to Assassins Creed Odyssey with all of the menu sounds. I’ll probably grab it for Series X when it releases for it.

Sony, in my opinion, needs to come in lower than $499 in order to sustain perceived value. A person will look at the fact that the Series X is the most powerful system and is the same price. From where I am standing, Microsoft has the most perceived value right now exclusives withstanding.

As someone who has been gaming since the 80's.. I get it. It almost made me feel nostalgic thinking back to the weird “U R Not (red)E” PlayStation commercials. The service is deeeefinitely not the future but I get it.

(May I get out of the grays please)

What I believe the story is about: Humanity is doomed to repeat the same mistakes unless we learn and understand that there is more that connects us than divides us. Hence the repeated cycle of dying but then fighting... just to die again. Also, the Bridge Babies are used because

Talk about mind blown.. I thought Ace Attorney was strictly a Nintendo thing. To see it coming out for all systems is making me feel weird.. I think I need an adult.

Sony will forego the annual shows and instead start showing Sony Directs followed by Sony Clubhouse game showings.

I voted for Celeste all day everyday. All the other games, to me, were expected. Now Monster Hunter changed the formula up pretty good but the rest are just prettier versions of their former selves.

As the owner of two Veilside widebody 350Z’s... (checks Nissan section of list)... Okay, never mind, we’re good... lol

Check those codes shown during the trailer intro as they appear to be download codes.... (hint, hint)

That’s not the same as Microsoft kind of paid for Rise of the Tomb raider to be made. If not for Microsoft, PS4 players would have no Rise to play. Crystal Dynamics had no intentions to make another TR for some time.

Monster Hunter Stories — Switch.. You had me excited.. lol. It comes out for 3DS only. At least for now.

..but he doesn’t.

I’d highly recommend it IF you have people to play it online co-op with. The game dynamic changes drastically for the better.

*Sidenote: Can someone take me out of the grays please?*

Honestly, I keep hearing about the NYKO dock and while it’s cool, I have been using a mini dock for a little over a month now. A little company has been ahead of the game already with this. It’s $19.99 and takes about 5-10 minutes to put together. It’s HILARIOUSLY smaller than the factory dock. Check it out fellow

Just fired up the DLC and noticed something right off the bat. The voice actor doesn’t seem to be Camilla Luddington. I mean it sounds close to her but it doesn’t seem to be her. Maybe I’m wrong though.

Seeing how Rise of Iron makes you a “legend” by becoming an Iron Lord. What if in Destiny 2, your old guardian is a part of the Iron Lord history?

To anyone trying to find it via that Twitch stream. It starts at about 43 minutes in.