
He's English, father of Haytham from AC3 (grandfather of Connor).

Welp, my money is on next Game Informer cover story being Black Flag, Ubisoft is pretty much repeating what they did last year for AC3.

Agreed, I've avoided the Beta and will probably avoid Factions until Single Player hits.

Huh, I'm past Mistrel and haven't died once in combat yet. Once you know how to parry, the game is pretty easy on normal.

Surprised there are still long load times, would've figured the console hardware would've easily sped that up. Please tell me you can have the option for laser aiming, not a fan of the crosshairs.

Yeah the last third is just not fun by yourself, make sure you have a buddy with you if you can. =(

The amount of action in it right now is fine for co-op, but they should've toned it down for just singleplayer. The last third of the game is just annoying and exhausting with how many necros you need to constantly kill in singleplayer, which totally kills the atmosphere and methodical pacing of previous games.

If the new Xbox and PS4 are backwards compatible with current gen games, I'm happy.

Yeah, I mean how can you NOT mention the eye machine from DS2?!

Yeah, I still have the exact same case you have for when I had my original 3DS! It's still a great case so I couldn't get rid of it, lol.

God of War: Ascension trailer

I HIGHLY recommend this case as it works perfectly with my 3DS XL and has 8 game sleeves!

Good news to me, and all of you that are disappointed about no Original Trilogy in theaters, it would've been the altered versions anyway, not my beloved untouched versions (laser disc DVD edition ftw!)

League of Legends=LOL

Eh, the Dead Space series has always had day 1 DLC that included weapon/suit packs, this is nothing new and is entirely optional. If people feel like throwing money at a game to make it easier for them, well all the power to them, it's not affecting me nor how the game is played.

It's possible Bird could still helm VIII or IX when he's freed up from his current work, same with Joss Whedon.

Innovation and Best Debut for the studio, all well deserved!

Hm, interesting Dishonored was nominated for best narrative. Personally, I didn't think the story was all that outstanding (typical revenge story) whereas Sleeping Dogs had an excellent narrative centered around an undercover cop getting sucked into the criminal underworld of Hong Kong. Glad to see Spec Ops make the

Hm, any relation to Glen Schofield, DS1's executive producer?

You can always just pay the $100 for the goodies and wait for the game to drop to save even more money. =D