
I wish I could afford their power bill, let alone all those sweet, sweet gaming machines.

I dunno... his eyes just look dog-like to me.

Wait, what if the dog betrays and shoots you instead?

That would be cool, but that's only his name cause he stands for the opposite of everything the Flash stands for and stuff

Notice how the cats at the top have visible seams, and the same feet are used repeatedly. There's a reason all these cats coincidentally have white paws. He lines the cats up 'face in hole' style and you can even see where some are photoshopped (or the equivalent). Cats are anatomically incapable of getting into some

Give up the console war and ascend as a superior being in the heavens of gaming by joining the PC master race.

Wow. Mine got stuck in the "waiting for approval" holding area...and it wasn't even posted?

My birthday too! Cool!

Yeah, really has a Mario Galaxy type of look, huh?

That already came out, but it was called Sonic Colors.

Plastic surgery isn't quite as expensive in Asia as it is in the West, for various reasons (not that it's nearly as expensive in the West as it was just a few years ago, either).

I was about to say the exact same thing, word for word.

hah, I was about to say the same thing :v

That's because they use McCain fries.

With added Beef Flavoring. Why? Because.

First thought that came to my mind

that's why their so damn delicious

The Hawkeye Initiative has frequently been criticized as being transphobic (and homophobic), so I don't think anyone should be surprised.

... trolling?