Sweet, I think I'll go pick me up some summer filler.
Sweet, I think I'll go pick me up some summer filler.
Yeah, it really is sad. I could understand if it was just one or two people thinking it, but all these posts... It's pathetic.
Wait... if there are no orgies and no scantily clad nymphs, then why's it rated AO?
The Wind Waker 'shop is pretty good
Hearing the main antagonist (was he called the Director?) whispering sociopathic shit into your ear as you played the game was a real ground breaking experience that I haven't felt since.
Arms and legs need to be 4ft long and look like spaghetti otherwise it ain't CLAMP.
Aww... I was expecting the cast to be entirely comprised of basketball players.
And don't forget Brian Cox directly in your ear!
I had completely forgot about that. Not to mention, you could hear the director talking to you. Pure awesomeness.
What?! How come I hadn't heard of this before? Damn. That sounds awesome. SOCOM rocked by the way.
Yeah, the headset brought it to another level. I still remember holding my breath so the enemies wouldn't hear me as I hid in the dark.
So a game heavily inspired by Carpenter now inspires Carpenter?
Posting from your phone?
Instead of the usual death animation, players will have the option to place a dead rag over their head and gain points through the Honor System. However, players can also lie and say they didnt get shot, gaining Renegade System points.
That would be a hilarious mod if they ever allow mods again. Real electric airsoft sounds! 300 fps bbs! if you are somewhere with good cover or far away there you dont have to lose health because you can lie about it!
Haha, I like how they advertise unlimited storage/bandwidth, and then in the FAQ it basically says "Well, it's unlimited as long as you're not running any service that actually needs large amounts of storage/bandwidth."
Haha, I like how they advertise unlimited storage/bandwidth, and then in the FAQ it basically says "Well, it's…
Kinda amazing how half of that actually made it into the game at some point, the only thing the game is missing now (including mods) are the technical stuff like shaders and the seasons, but those things can wait till the next TES.
Oslo approves, dirty bear that he is.