
I remember the first time my wife and I drove past that. We were like... oh... so this is Texas. Amazing.

Hilarious... but like in a tragic comedy kind of way... like the end of Hamlet...

That’s so odd. My late 2009 iMac just died last week too. Used it every day. Updated the HD to an SSD a few years back. Loved that machine. Now I’m running an Alienware alpha with OS 10.11. Hackintoshes sure have gotten easier. I’ll upgrade the screen. Thanks for the suggestion. Again, condolences.

You're going to a lot of effort to sell a free service... and I'm reading really deeply into a thread.... so who's actually avoiding work here? That's what I want to know. Its probably me.

If it is an invented quote attributed to a real author, I think that could be plagiarism. If its totally fake then I agree with you. Either way, academic misconduct and right to the dean! - College Writing TA