
That’s perfect.

They will try to quietly plead her out but if she’s brave enough she should demand this go to trial and then let these crackers defend their treasonous fetishism. It’s Durham so she’ll have a shot a fair trial.

This seems like the perfect opportunity for bright legal minds who want to make a difference. Let’s put this southern butthurt bullshit on trial. Let’s drag their ignorant, racist, treasonous pathos out into the public square and shine a great big spotlight on it.

We’ll be watching what companies will send their CEO’s to work with the head of the Nazi Party and we will react accordingly. Choose wisely

The POTUS is a White Nationalist. He’s removed any doubt about that today. The question is, how long will the country tolerate a fucking Nazi as President? Anyone looking for courage from the likes of Ryan or McConnell will be looking a long time. Republicans will tweet and rush to the nearest camera to denounce

Maybe we can’t totally eliminate these assholes but people of good will should be active participants in driving this trash back to the dark corners of the fringe they used to occupy.

Seriously? This country was founded on racial bigotry. It’s exactly who we are as a people. More uniquely American than apple pie. Not only was our entire economy built on the backs of men and women held in bondage but even after we abolished the institution of slavery, we codified our racial animus into our laws

“We are not a racist nation!!!

Mr. Carney is kind of a snowflake. But this did give me the opportunity to revisit Emma Lazarus’s poetic eloquence.

I see a vajajay

When he talks about our culture and it’s objectification of women, does he realize he’s actually doing the same thing? Only the body type is different. I’ve been married for over twenty years and when I talk about my love for my wife, it’s not because of her curves. She’s far more than a plushy stuffed toy from

Everyday, this country proves it’s nothing more than a rotting corpse. Team Trump is the undeniable stench of death that envelops everything unfortunate enough to share the same territory. We are zombies. Dead, ugly, repulsive and voracious. When we finally succumb, the end will be met with relief not sadness.

Every time I think things can’t get more depressing, events prove me wrong.

I have long ago forgiven everyone but Halloween itself. I mean what kind of bullshit is this supposed holiday? We had out tiny snickers bars to neighborhood kids dressed in costumes? Why does the entire country become a cosplay convention one day a year? What possible good can come from any of this?

My most painful memory from that time in my life didn’t involve romance but Halloween.

The GOP. Proudly failing at governing for half a century.

Stop shark shaming her.

He gets ideas. Like most toddlers get ideas. Adults will kindly explain to him (in that voice one uses when addressing a two year old), that no, honey, it’s not a good idea to cause consumer electricity prices to double

Been there too. I can only tell you what works for me. I revert to the one and only thing I found of use from my Catholic School education. This prayer, and the acts required herein, bring me back to reality.

Judging by that picture what I think they mean is make America white again.