
Minimizing the problems males face. Typical.

If Stamos had hit the woman, it would have, without a doubt, been called misogyny. But since the woman hit Stamos, you’re not sure if it counts as misandry? Okay...

The bumbling dad stereotype can benefit men? How does showing that “a man’s place is not at home” benefit men, exactly? All that does is pigeonhole men into the “provider” role to an even greater extent. Working more hours, spending more time away from your family might result in a bigger paycheck, but that comes

Why? Even the worst entry in the series is one of the more engaging and entertaining games of the past decade.

I am totally bummed the series is at an end. Honestly these have been some of the best games ever created in my opinion. The least they could do is remaster Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 as a true send off...

I don’t like Witcher 3.

Weirdly, I’ve been able to enjoy Skyrim for months at a time, despite it superficially including a lot of the types of stuff I don’t like about Breath of the Wild. Go figure.

If I remember correctly you also hated the Witcher 3, meaning you hate my two favorite video games of the current generation of video games, meaning I now just know we have different taste in video games which is fine and I’ll look elsewhere for recommendations. THAT SAID, what is a somewhat recent game that you enjoy

It’s the most enjoyable game you never want to play but love to read about.

Eve online:
there is always an ass with a bigger gun.
so play nice.

i’ve no identify crisis, and nether does Racheal (according to her). But we all mock her. Irony? We applaud Caitlynn Jenner but we mock Rachel Doleza? What am I missing here?

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.

So you’ve never seen a light skinned black person before?

May make him an asshole but I’m not ready to equate men who cheat with men who sexually harass/assault women.

How about panty sniffing, for celebs or otherwise, is simply none of your/our fucking business?

going back to being white?? You are white dumb dumb

Seriously, this popped up on the “You may also like” sidebar for some reason, and I cannot tell if I’m missing a joke or if this is really a Jezebel “It’s fun to hit your partner” post. Am I in bizarro world?

It is bananas that this post, in this tone specifically, exists.

Wait...I'm a guy and i found this hilarious. Was I supposed to be offended?