
The game out right tells you that Vilia is a man dressing as a woman to take advantage of trade in Gerudo. Basically Vilia is a douchebag appropriating another’s culture for profit. I can understand if you interpreted this differently but the narrative of “link is a jerk for being shocked too see a

Git gud?

Well said

Omg i 100% agree! Playing the campaign from the female perspective has been really cool too! I accidently chose female (thinking it was just a slightly smaller version of the default male avatar, see thats how you know they did it right) and i feel like what little story there is has been greatly inproved for me by

Good insight! So do they hate Naruto and love Sasuke?

Check out Crowfall!

Lol, expert on dota culture... if that were true you would know that dota players will eat up anythingi ce frog puts out, at worse we have a few months of complaining but theyll give in and eat it up. As it is the skill trees are actually really balanced (idk if youve played the test client mr . dota culture expert)

It was amazing, basically my first esports event! I could send you some phone quality photos if youd like. Dota live was waaaay more amazing than i could have predicted.

AWOO AWOO AWOO! Greek Dota best Dota!!!!

Are you at the major Ethan?

Woah! She actually experienced the media that shes writing for, a rare feat for I09 writers

Every player is in a parellel world as well.

Ya know breeding a shiny starter is a lot more feasible, dont know why you would waste time soft resetting the longest intro in pokemon history when you can just breed one eventually

Damn i love Sleeping Dogs, sad there wont be a follow up game.

“but is not immediately recognizable as a Blizzard service unless you already understand that’s thing.” you mean anyway that’s played a blizzard game in the past 20 years? Ya doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense to nyx a name everyone of your customers is familiar with.

You guys want some cheese with your wine? Wahhh my success is dependent on other people, in a game dominated by the 15< age group. Play a real competitive game then complain or stick to quick play cause there is no reason to take Overwatch seriously with the age group that plays, or the generous hit boxes and delay.

Chao garden that's pretty much the whole game!

Just watched my friend play the demo and man this game looks awful. Idk how it got so many positive reviews, I really don’t trust the internet anymore.

crappy marketing aside the game does look like a pretty interesting platformer

Does not sound like Jon h benjamin