
Obviously, I can read the title.

I love kids, on my second one (3 months). The first turns 5 in 2 months and I've enjoyed every moment of it. My first never had a "terrible two's", in fact she's been great so far.

It's a shame that some of these women do this for $10-15,000 a year. Some of them are absolutely gorgeous. I could hand them $15,000 just to spend time with me over the year and enjoy themselves doing fun things instead of spending time in front of a camera.

After watching the video the PS3 version is simply "brighter"...especially enemies. I don't see a difference in textures or anything. Just a difference in the color/brightness of the two games.

I could argue with number 9. Dell's changing the need for the function key screwed up my boss' use of his laptop. He's an older gentleman and had a program that access the web for guitar tabs and real time music stuff. One of the buttons/shortcuts in the program was to hit F12. Guess what button turns wifi on and off

"Absolutely Gorgeous"

Go to the full site,'s pretty funny.

..and who bought all those games for him??

Haha...I hope you were joking.

Tri GTX play on a 1080p TV? LOL (face meet palm)

Doh! DP....can't seem to get edit button to work :(.

(loads shotgun)

(Loads Shotgun)

I love Unit 13, I think it's a good little tactical shooter.

I see they have their own Halo (Kheibar Battle)....or some mixed form of it.

LOL...there's more than enough. There are MUCH more complicated games, from the last 6-7 years alone that show better AI and physics simulation.

I swear the next to last shot is stolen from Far Cry....has to be.

Who cares?

I'm not seeing the "acting". That was pretty dry....and boring. I'd say that's a LONG way from coming close to professional.

Please tell me this is coming to the Vita...???