@GR1M RACER: lololol
@GR1M RACER: lololol
I have German Ancestry...I'm tired of all my Ancestors getting shot in war games. Some Germans actually have good aim. Time to fire ALL FPS developers..LOL
Does this mean the GTX 560 Ti series will drop in price soon?!!! I would love to grab one of those at the $100-$150 range
We had one of those off a main Highway here in South Carolina. Ours said "Beware of Zombies" "Watch for Hunters Ahead"
I know plenty of GREAT PC gamers that get banned because they are really good at games on the PC.
Really, then You're saying Black Ops is NOT the best selling of those games, and the lobbies you go into on other games is an "informed" opinion that is more accurate??
SSDs just aren't cost effective yet. I have over half a Terabyte of Steam/Downloaded games and there's no way I'm buying a SSD at their current price to have my games load faster. The amount of money and space needed to access all my games would be ridiculous.
You know what's funny. I already own every one of those games (and the still functioning consoles) minus TWO of them.
You have a good point there.
What's wrong with their HAIR???!!!! ack!
Just one problem with your argument. Forza 4 doesn't just do head tracking. It has a garage mode rendered at an insane level of detail that tracks your entire body, forward and backward movement, leg movement, AND exact location on hand movement.
WTF happened to Kotaku? This sucks.
@Manly McBeeferton: Sucked at it didn't you? Heheh
@funkychunky: His words would have been hugely over priced and ripoff hardware wise.
@greyfoxhound18: I'm not sure about your first question, but the second is OBVIOUSLY Shenmue.
@wocalax: Forget that, NO WAY I'd make that deal.
@Kadin: Don't worry, the Packers WILL WIN. I'm a fan of neither team, but analyzing the two teams has me seeing one outcome.
@Saiwyn Hy: Not necessarily. You can't say he was died by the ride. LoL
@AllOfUsAreLost.: I enjoy the "gadget" and "historic" side of guns.