
with its Rotten Tomatoes audience score having tanked not long after suspiciously before its release.”

Thanks for the shout out for the Art Department! It was a lot of work :)
Cheers from Prague

We don't need corporations. We'd be better off without them.

Sorry, but I hate stances like this one. Sure, corporations will likely always exist but why do we have to accept the status quo of how they operate if it actively makes the world a worse place? It’s okay to want to improve things.

I like how you called it blood libel and then excuse other people who did the same things. Because you are a hypocritical piece of shit.

Why the fuck are you here again other than to be a stalker and hate on everything?

Tell that to Apple.

Apple literally just came out with a commercial that basically said their products (in this case the new Ipad) are the result of destroying old ways of making art. Essentially crushing all acts and means of human creativity up to this point. Apparently a good thing to them as long as it sells Ipads (fuck their

Reminds me a bit of Xena kicking Jerkules’ ass on twitter over his continuous stream of B.S.

“When I hear people starting to complain about political correctness—and I understand why people might push back on it—but to me that’s a red flag, because it sometimes means something else.”

“The true threat to art and the creation of art is the consolidation of money and power.” is the better headline for this. But it feels like part of the AV Club agenda is taking down a celebrity a day. 

I love her so much. 

That bit at the end when Molloy asks Armand why he saved him in 1973 and Armand’s answer is word for word the same as Louis’s when Molloy asked him at the beginning...

You mean carefully crafted and edited videos from the IDF of the propaganda that they want to put out abut what happened on Oct 7th. The Israeli gov, never allowed any investigation, internal or external to the country to happen, silenced survivors, and has been actively blocking many attempts to investigate.

Seinfeld funded “The Bear Jews of Truth” (an unsubtle allusion to a violent bloodthirsty Zionist character in Inglorious Basterds, although at least that character had the decency to go after Nazis rather than peaceful protesters). That group participated in the violence.

Does this look like using “large screens” to simply show something?

Can we pause for a second and ask why Jerry and his wife are literally paying for hired goons to violently attack peaceful pro-Palestine protests?

He was right to be pissed. Leguizamo was a very well established character actor in 2005, and this wasn’t some low budget prestige project, it was a $110 million mainstream action movie. Offering scale was insulting.

‘X-Men: First Class’ is a fun little flick, but man it does not do well by it’s characters of colour. Angel, as you say, betrays the team, and Darwin, a Black mutant whose power is “adapt to literally anything to survive” is the one member of the group to get straight-up killed, and then is not mentioned again.

As an X-Men fan, I’m happy Sunspot is being accurately portrayed.

Sunspot being an Afro-Brazilian from a rich family is very important to his character. Despite his wealth and status, he’s still discriminated against because of his skin color. And being outed as a mutant only makes it worse.

He wasn’t portrayed as

You can cite a far more recent study for that statistic that would significantly strengthen your argument: